From: Teytis tel Jobont

To: Sender-participants of “Many Worlds Forum”

I apologize for breaking your convention, but I couldn’t find an existing OOC category for this message and I am obligated to send it.

In accordance with Communication Agreement 3514, as acknowledged and implemented by the Atlantic Relay Group, all broadcast messages whose content is not described in-band as fictional or following well-established conventions of formatting of a work of fiction must use metadata tag ䷁䷞䷇䷾䷩䷹䷬䷮䷡䷲䷔䷙䷶䷕䷔䷥䷻䷎䷺䷽䷺䷧䷽䷄䷸䷅䷥䷮䷒䷨䷩䷓䷗䷩䷅䷾䷭䷾䷣䷸䷤䷊䷫ to mark their messages as fictional, to avoid any possible confusion as to the applicability or urgency of information.

If this is not done, I, other members of the Atlantic Relay Group, and other organizations acknowledging CA3514, will be obligated to cease relaying your broadcast messages.

If you need any assistance implementing this change, please reply clear direct. I’m here to help.

Teytis tel Jobont
Atlantic Relay 17


Q: But I don't want to see this particular thing as fictional.
A: Apply metadata filters to taste in your local message reader. Alternatively, you/your group's messages may be sent privately.
Q: Will I lose the distinction of stories within this fiction?
A: No. CA3514 metadata allows representation of nested fictions; and furthermore, you are free to use your own metadata formats within fictional messages.