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Tony, Elizabeth, Bella, Alyona, Julian
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The classroom isn't huge, but an entire wall of it is taken up with an enormous blackboard, the kind that has multiple rolling panels set into tracks. Chalkboard compasses, rulers, erasers, and sticks of chalk in various colors sit in trays nearby. Rows of desks face towards the blackboard and away from the door.

Alyona always liked math, but she also was always able to go talk to her uncle the mathematician any time she didn't understand something. Not having that safety net makes her nervous. She channels her nervous energy into checking behind every blackboard panel for mals.


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Bella walks in from language lab, humming her mnemonic she made up for Old French declensions. "Huh. Wonder why a blackboard," she remarks, picking a seat. "Do we write on it? Does chalk magically appear on it? I guess a chalkboard compass might come in handy, I'd worry about a regular one."


"The regular ones are definitely stabbier. I'm not really sure how we're supposed to use these for anything we have to turn in, though."


"I think geometry normally has proofs? Maybe we do the constructions during classtime and then turn in proofs about them which do not themselves have constructions. Or maybe it'll teach us a spell for making perfect illusion circles, that would be cute."


"Wow, old school," says the next student, walking into the room.


"I don't know, I think it's charming," says the one behind him.


"Hello there, I'm Bella."


"Hi! I'm Tony. This is, uh, whoops I already forgot your name."


She snorts. "It's Elizabeth."


"Nice to meet you."




That's Bella distracted enough to locate her textbook! Better get down to it, Advanced Geometry doesn't sound like you can fuck around much.


Advanced Geometry appears to make Tony bounce delightedly in his seat.

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