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Mal, Haozinne, Hira, Morty, Destiny, Sean, Aadhya
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Destiny is having a great day! She's met so many people and gotten to show off her kukri so much, AND her first afternoon class is shared with Morty! She really wishes he could have found out her schedule and swapped to be in intro incantations with her after this, he just has language lab then and you can do that almost anytime, but a girl can't have everything her heart desires.

Still, she's skipping slightly as they reach the room together. 

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When Destiny's in a good mood like this, it mostly means that Morty has to do all the mal-checking because she's going to immediately bounce up to the nearest person and try to become their best friend. Morty does this without complaining. (It's much better than him having to do the schmoozing.) 


If Sean is very lucky this class will allow him to take and keep an abacus, and then he'll be able to use it as a calculator. He takes the best seat in the class - in this one it's second from the right in the third row.


Thank god she has a math class after lunch. Hira could not take a writing or history requirement right after eating, she would go straight to sleep. She's glad to have something intellectually engaging to work on.

In theory. What kind of name is "Abacus Skills"? She's holding out hope, though, that the Scholomance has not underestimated her intelligence. Maybe it's meant to help with mental operations, moving numbers around quickly? Something to improve the speed of her calculations? Not very relevant, when you're languages track, but Hira doesn't mind the mental exercise. It might even help her build some mana. Maybe it's just that it was the only thing that would fit. Shame, but she'll live.

"Does anyone have any clue what this class is about?"


"Nothing past the title."


"...Me neither, but it might at least give us an abacus? Or tell us how to make on in shop later, I guess. Which ought to be really useful, right - an abacus is– ...Morty -?" 


As always, Morty is Destiny's auxiliary brain. 

"- An abacus is an arithmetic aid. It's much less sophisticated than a real calculator, of course, but it's also a lot better than just doing math on paper, and it - well, it's all mechanical parts that you can look at, so it's probably less likely to go bad?" 


"Just in case maybe I will name my abacus and dust it every day."


"You can make your abacus in shop. I'm going to see where they're keeping them."

There are cabinets in this room. Hira will just need to investigate them. If she needs to, she can zap anything that moves. It would be nice to have backup, but she's not going to ask for it.


Sean will keep an eye out but he's not actually going to get any closer to the cabinets.


Destiny is SO ready to jump up and brandish her kukri at anything suspicious that might or might not jump out of the cabinets! 


- She's not going to be the first person to open them, though, she's not stupid. 


It would really suck to die trying to find an abacus. Hira opens the cabinet door, and - there, she flash-freezes it. Something with legs, she's not sure if she knows this type but she's not stopping to identify it. There is an abacus, more than one. She sends in a cooling mist- good for cleaning up the eggs, according to the book of commentary she had found it in.

"If you're all done gawking, I could use some help carrying these!"


"Thanks much!" squeaks Sean, and he carries out the abaci with her.


Aadhya takes an abacus, once there's a stack of them, and fiddles with it till her textbook - a slim paperback titled Abacus Skills, like the course - appears while she's not looking.


Once every student in the class has an abacus (because Hira is generous, so generous, and they should all do well to remember that, though she doesn't belabor the point), she says to Sean:

"Thank you. I'm glad I had a strapping young gentleman to help me."


"'re welcome."


"What are you going to call it?"


"- Marcus," says Sean at near-random.


"Marcus! Hmm. 'Maanas' for mine, then. You're a trend-setter."

Hira winks and gets started on the book- it opens with a 'cool', jocular introduction about the proven advantages of abacus-based mental math. Hira is quietly skeptical, but there's probably more to the book than this author's opinion, or they would have been assigned something better. She presses on.


Sean is basically capable of reading a math chapter and moving abacus beads around.


Abacus! World's best fidget toy! 

"I'm going to paint you pink," Destiny declares. "And if I can find any glitter then I'll make you glittery. You'll be the most glamorous abacus that's ever been. I'm going to name you...Gloria." 


"Wait, isn't that the name of the Sacramento sophomore kid's guitar? I think it's taken." 

Morty has also obtained an abacus. It's...metal? And weirdly heavy? 


"Okay fiiiine. I'm going to name you..." 


Morty and Destiny have almost a mindreading-level power at guessing what the other is thinking, and Morty interrupts. "Not Galadriel either, there's a kid named that." 

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