This year's Toronto contingent is... great. It's just great. The Coopers have been sending their daughters once a year like clockwork, but the fourth iteration missed the age cutoff for her appointed year by three days so they had to pull in an indie kid without much family to take her slot, an act of calculated generosity for which April is grateful irritated grateful, definitely, yes, and then there's Chantal who has no siblings because her parents hate each other and who clearly isn't cut out for the Scholomance on account of she has all the backbone of a wad of soggy toilet paper, and then there's the other kid, who has flat-out refused to detectably appear in the presence of another human in the past six months and communicates only in handwritten notes tucked into your pockets while you aren't looking, because that's a reasonable way to live your life apparently, all of which is to say that April, who doesn't even live in the enclave proper, has the sinking feeling that she's going to be running the Scholomance's Toronto enclave faction by senior year if she makes it that far. At least they've already promised her the enclave spot, and given her the power-sharer to show for it. She is officially a Toronto Enclaver now. Hooray, jazz hands, applause, fanfare, et cetera.

She waits grumpily for induction with Chantal wilting beside her and Other Kid probably somewhere in the vicinity. Does she catch a glimpse of him, right as the school takes them? It's hard to say; she hasn't seen his face since he was eight.