Edie is thinking about magic, because what else do you do with your spare time when the good part of a book isn't calling you with its siren song?
Her thoughts are interrupted by a knocking on her door. She gets up to answer it.
"To be completely honest, though, I whined for the whole forty-eight hours before my eclipse, I'm not sure ten-year-old me would've actually gone for it."
"In two hundred years not one person at this table is guaranteed to be dead. I'd call that pretty fortunate."
"Well, I'm not sure I'd call that a fact about eclipsing as opposed to a fact about eclipsed, but granted."
"Sometimes I think it's a miracle humanity never got wiped out by new Eclipsed."
"Well, if you imagine that there's an enormous number of inhabited planets in the universe, then at least one will contain life that survived their eclipses, and since population tends to grow, the majority of sapients who will ever exist in the universe will be from those planets, so it's not that surprising we find ourselves on one."
"Some people add a term involving eclipses to the Drake equation to explain why we haven't encountered advanced alien civilizations yet."
"Yeah, it's kinda terrible if it's true. But it does bring us to the usual territory of how eclipses work with other moons in other planets, which is basically speculative."