Edie is thinking about magic, because what else do you do with your spare time when the good part of a book isn't calling you with its siren song?
Her thoughts are interrupted by a knocking on her door. She gets up to answer it.
"I'm not sure I'd really say I cultivated it, though. More like it's a thing about how I... am?"
"Right, but I'm not naturally that way, so if I want it I have to cultivate it."
"Hmm...I love kids, I have a vicious temper when provoked but I'm pretty good at keeping it under control, my parents are both only children and my grandparents are all dead, my favorite color is blue..."
"Um...hm, it's never occurred to me to sit down and compile a list before...threatening people I care about, expressing the opinion that some group of people doesn't deserve human rights, acting like subs don't have the right or inclination to independent agency, saying switches don't exist...this isn't a comprehensive list, mind."
"I wonder what you look like when something ticks you like that. Somehow the words 'force of nature' come to mind."
"I'm saying any flattery here is strictly incidental and just happens to be a consequence of the fact that the truth is incredibly appealing."