Edie is thinking about magic, because what else do you do with your spare time when the good part of a book isn't calling you with its siren song?
Her thoughts are interrupted by a knocking on her door. She gets up to answer it.
"Yes, the clock insisted on telling me it was not yet five forty-five. Rather stubborn, the clock is."
"Good for it."
She boards the bus, considers the available seats, and elects to remain standing.
Then he probably will, too. The wistful look at the kneeling pad lasts less than a second and could very well just be her imagination.
"If you prefer Mexican to Indian there's a decent Mexican place right here, by the way, the Indian place is close but I'm flexible."
"Indian it is, then."
The Indian place is a buffet-style restaurant. Most of the food is unsuitable for hand-feeding, but there are kneeling cushions.
Grin gets slightly smirkier.
Of course, he's going to have to get up from kneeling in order to get food .
So there he is, kneeling very innocently next to this gorgeous astoundingly hot dom. So innocent.
Innocent. Of course.
"So, what do you like to do when you're not thinking about magic?"
"Read. I like reading a lot. And I like meeting people and going out. But I think about magic a lot."
"I read, and I think about magic a lot, and I try to convince mages to learn de-aging, and there's a couple of low-commitment social justice groups I'm a part of."