Edie is thinking about magic, because what else do you do with your spare time when the good part of a book isn't calling you with its siren song?
Her thoughts are interrupted by a knocking on her door. She gets up to answer it.
Edie is thinking about magic, because what else do you do with your spare time when the good part of a book isn't calling you with its siren song?
Her thoughts are interrupted by a knocking on her door. She gets up to answer it.
Nod. "You can be a member without going to all the meetings or participating in all the things that require commitments, it's totally possible to join and just show up when you don't have anything better to do."
"Mostly organizing on-campus awareness events; sometimes there are fundraisers to give money to larger groups that are doing more productive things; sometimes we organize going to protests and so on."
"What do you do at those? I have this probably inaccurate picture in my head of a bunch of people yelling and carrying signs."
"There is a lot of carrying signs and and a significant amount of yelling. And it varies, of course, but there's really something about a really good, well-organized protest."
"What kinds of things does it get? Like, when you protest things, what tends to happen?"
"Not always anything concrete in the short term," she admits, "although one time I went to a protest that basically blocked the Westborough Baptist Church from harassing a funeral, that was good."
"Well, there's a bunch who say they will, now, but it's hard to know who's going to follow through."
"No, it's more complicated than that--you have to have a reason to talk to them, first of all, people aren't very likely to listen to random proselytizing strangers no matter what they're proselytizing for. So I have to approach them in a context that makes sense, and generally I have to get to know them at least a little first so as to figure out what arguments will be effective..."
"It's very rewarding! The fun of the actual getting-to-know-and-persuading varies wildly by who it is one is getting to know and persuading."
"If you can genuinely enjoy getting to know someone who thinks switches are all just subs who want to enjoy the social benefits of domhood more power to ya."
"I can! People are wrong about all sorts of things, I still like getting to know them."