The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"Currently experimenting with it, we're seeing where it goes, and I'm not sure less-than-one-week together counts as boyfriend yet but I confess I'm terrible at these labels."
"Trust me, I was Lydia's boyfriend the minute she wanted me to be. Labels aren't for the labeled, they're for the labeler."
"Was she not your girlfriend until you wanted her to be, by that same token?" she wonders. Upon seeing Matt, though, she says, "Hey Matt! I have a question."
"Yeah, we promise we're not over here talking about how cute you are, on a scale of one to ten."
"We were just also talking about it. I'm nonmonogamous by inclination but it's not a strong one," she repeats herself, "while Danny feels like if he's committed then he's committed."
"I think monogamy is all I've got in my wheelhouse, but I don't think I'd object if my partner had the relevant mindset."
"I think I'm a bit too possessive, honestly? Maybe if we were sharing, but otherwise, no."