The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"He has a cute face," she points out. "And I'm not sure I'd actually date him... especially given that Lydia doesn't want to be openly nonmonogamous... but for kissing he's pretty good."
"Fair. I'm not sure I could kiss someone I didn't like at all, and most people don't like Jackson."
"Hey. Sorry we're late. Lydia was just going on and on about her amazing kiss with Jackson earlier, in way too much detail."
"Oh, I do like Jackson," she tells Danny before turning to Lydia. "Was it different, Lydia? I'd be very enlightened if you could elaborate."
"He's around. Probably with the team..."
She scans the room.
"...No, looks like he's just wasting his time being unprofessional."
She stands, and stalks towards Jackson.
Jackson seems to find something Scott is saying hilarious. Or he finds Scott's very existence hilarious, it's not quite clear.
"-bench, but you didn't even last one week. I wonder if there's a world for that level of failure."
"Really, it's pathetic. What I want to know is why you would take performance boosters just to quit. Was there a plan here that I'm missing because it's just that moronic?"
"You have really good lung capacity. Have you thought about singing choir? Or does stepping into church burn you."
Danny is exhibiting no bias at all with respect to certain students.
(Matt is objectively the hottest guy in school. It's a matter of fact, not opinion.)
He and Allison are mostly arguing about Scott's jawline, in between debating whether the quiet boy with the curly hair is called Eric or Ivan.
Really, Matt? He's cute, but she doesn't think he's the hottest guy in school. Probably Jackson or Danny are.
Danny maintains that he is completely unbiased here but Matt is perfect, end of story.