The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"It might not be as bad as I'm expecting, but I don't think it'll be neat. Have fun in gym."
Today it's boys against girls in volleyball!
Indoors, of course, the weather is much too cold.
Then they'll have to get changed together.
Lydia seems to have a whole ritual. She's not very quick about it.
She might be the last one in the locker room, at this rate.
Lydia will make an effort not to turn it into a show, then.
As usual, Ade has further education to get to.
That's alright, they can converse later. And maybe, who knows, if this works she can kiss other parts of him than his mouth, eventually.
Maybe. Econ concludes, and he makes his escape.
A confused classmate hands her a folded-up note that reads: 7/10, natural talent, lacking in refinement; ask out mutual friend to train you in the effective use of teeth.
"If you can get him to stop boasting, gloating, whining...Jackson makes himself hard to kiss- or easy, if you don't have a better way of shutting him up."