The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
Well, that depends more on Stiles and Lydia (and, potentially, class) than on her, she's quite content.
"Yeah, you're kind of insanely smooth, she just took you up on it. What about you? If you had to pick a favorite."
"Hmmm, Lydia's aggressive and that's hot, but not for everyday. Jackson kinda melted when I kissed him. I think I prefer you."
She's still able to make it to AP calc.
Danny raises an eyebrow, but distracts the teacher with a well-timed question.
After class, he sidles up to her.
"Looks like someone had fun. Please tell us poor class attendees the sordid details."
"Does he? I'm actually surprised he notices it when you flirt with him, he didn't notice it when I did."
"He notices flirting, he just can't tell when it's sincere. It works for me just fine."
"Ah, fair enough. And what does one need to do to earn your sincere flirting? Other than, presumably, being a boy."
"It's not about earning, I'm kind of easy. Stiles is just a little too twitchy for me. The guy has so many insecurities I'm surprised an architect hasn't ruled him unfit for habitation."
"'Kind of easy'? I'll sure keep that in mind. And, yeah, he's insecure, but he's nice, and I can work on it."
"Good for you. I think that's Lydia's position on Jackson- and his position on her. I hope when they implode it's not messy, I don't know if I get to keep both in the divorce."
And it looks like class is wrapping up.