The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"No, I don't. I mean, we're cool. Totally cool, yup. Ice cream wearing sunglasses cool. A skateboarder stuffed in a freezer cool. Cool as the cucumber with the latest sneakers."
Wow that is incredibly hot okay.
"I can think of a thing or two," she says, stepping closer to Lydia and holding her chin up, then leaning down to kiss her.
Lydia is a good kisser, if a bit aggressive.
She wraps her arms around Ade, and doesn't restrain herself; she maps out everything in the space of a minute, before placing her arms around her waist.
Yep. Very hot. And she's not complaining about the aggressiveness, no, sir, as the soft noises from the back of her throat can attest to.
"When I'm finished, we can trade."
She is, evidently, not finished.
What if she pulls Ade's hair and hisses, is that good?
Stiles and Jackson already seem bored of each other, but Stiles seems to appreciate the view.
"By all means."
And in the meantime she can do to Jackson more or less the same things Lydia was doing to her, with her own personal touches.
Ade is brilliant and he squirms under her touch. If he had any smart remark to make, he's forgotten it by now.