The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"Mmm. I probably have homework, right? I should do homework. Or magic, I should learn magic."
He doesn't move.
"I should probably actually try something instead of just learning the theory, but not really."
Ade has the energy for a few more rounds, but Stiles looks completely spent.
"I'm not a virgin anymore."
"I want to keep saying it. I want to shout it from the rooftops. I want to hire a skywriter, I want to start a blog, I want to publish a peer-reviewed article."
"I don't actually have her number, I just know where she lives. We probably shouldn't just show up."
"We probably shouldn't, and this is the kind of thing that should be suggested in advance, with time to prepare..."
"I should get her number so we can plan in advance. Planning is good."
"Did you know that parents used to use a wooden plank to prevent pre-marital sex?"
"It wasn't very effective. Space was limited in early America so sometimes boys and girls would have to share rooms, and since they weren't related and they were teenagers their parents had to do something. Insert wooden plank between them on the bed."
"Tomato, potato. Are vampires real? Someone should tell me which things are real before I mainline the entire corpus of Earth mythology."
"We can ask him later. While we're on the topic, thumbs up or down if we can talk him into it?"