The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
He's not sure there's actually much he can do without herbs or rocks or whatever else, but knowing the kinds of stuff he will be able to do is still fun.
There are kind of absurdly many plants with magic effects.
"I wonder if I can just start carrying flowers around. I think I could pull it off, nobody pays that much attention to me."
"You're right, flowers are too big. I'll put ground up and crushed materials in my backpack, in the smaller pouches. I should get a new backpack."
"You wouldn't want people to pay attention to you? You'd look very dashing, carrying flowers around."
"I know this trick, I'm not falling for it. You would probably look good, though."
"I'm pretty sure I'm not. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that you're aesthetically challenged, it's working out pretty nicely for me."
He laughs. "You're hot. You have a nice smile and you make cute faces and you're very expressive and you're funny and think about more things than most people and your body is delicious and—" he reaches down between Stiles' legs and squeezes slightly "—you have a great cock—should I keep going?"
"It's too bad they don't give out awards for this. Olympic flirting. Think you can take the gold?"
So Ade stands up and pulls Stiles to the bathroom so he can look at himself in the mirror. "Here you go," he says, standing behind Stiles and starting to nibble on his neck while his hands wander.
Stiles thoroughly approves of nibbling!
He squirms, but keeps his hands to himself.