The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"Right, you didn't notice I was hitting on you when I literally told you I was. I don't know, I just had a feeling."
"I'm not sure. I might be wrong. And besides, you're dating me and as far as she knows—and I know—we're monogamous."
"...yeah. This is that talk you wanted to have. Want to cut class? Very romantic."
"Probably we get written up. As long as you don't skip Mr. Harris you're fine."
"Okay, so, how does this work? Do you have a girlfriend, do we have barbecues together? Does she have a boyfriend who goes camping with us? Do I kiss boys?"
"Okay so there's a separate point here which is that watching you kiss other people would be extremely hot. That said, I don't actually feel jealousy but don't otherwise have a very compelling desire for nonmonogamy that goes beyond 'more experiences and opportunities for the both of us to be happy.'
"So the first hurdle is, are you comfortable with that? It's okay if you're not, I can drop the subject."
"I'm pretty sure I'm the opposite of immune to jealousy but I'm also pretty sure I can do it if you want to. It would be kind of hot to watch you kiss other people. That's where I am."
"Well, the problem with a trial run is that it would likely be limited to, like, only casual stuff."
He picked a good place to talk, then!
He flails his arms around before realizing he can also hold her!
She pulls back, grinning, and looks Lydia and Jackson up assessingly—her mind was just there—then says, "It is presently occupied but I'm not opposed to company."