The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
They use it.
Stiles does not lack in energy, though he does have the limits of any mortal man.
"Hey. I was hard would it be to do the..."
He gestures, his hands indicating claws.
"You know. During."
"It would be ungentlemanly to say yes, so how about I say I'm not very gentlemanly."
"I'm actually thinking staying might not be a bad idea, I have more people on my side here than I've ever had."
"There's you, your father, Scott—actually I should go check whether he's told his mom about it—and even Derek."
"...he's a werewolf, he's lonely, he's introverted as all get out and possibly misanthropic and needs a therapist, I don't think he's evil."
"I'm not saying he's evil! Maybe a little evil. I'm just saying he might not want to help us."
"Eh, I've read this book and watched this show, he'll come around. Faster if we don't nag him and don't do anything stupid that will risk his and our lives for no good reason, at least until the local hunter problem's been dealt with."