The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"They handle you the same way. Ade, what would you do if my son wanted to take you on a field trip to the morgue?"
"There it is. Alright, I'm going to give you two space. I should be back in an hour."
"How is it your friends are always more polite than you? You don't talk like this to Melissa."
As soon as the door closes, they're on the bed, and Stiles has managed to entirely remove his clothes.
"That was fast," he comments. "And you look very nice without clothes on, have I told you that?"
"I've gotten mixed reviews, but your contribution helps us improve our product."
His hands get to work on Ade's shirt, but he seems distracted by the kissing.
Kissing: good thing to be distracted by.
The shirt can be gone, though. Shoes and pants, too.
Really good! Stiles is not prepared for this sort of thing to happen to him! In his room! It's happening anyway and he's very excited about it, which has very visible signs.
Ade can take full advantage of his excitement.