The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"Doesn't one of us need to care about public decency? I feel like we're going to end up on the lacrosse field."
"Stiles Stilinski: the responsible one."
He puts his clothes back on, and returns to the driver's seat.
"I can probably convince my dad to leave us alone for a while."
He's driving! His hands are full.
If Ade's hands want to explore, that's up to him.
They manage to get to his house intact- and Stiles seems somewhat impatient to get to his room now. Who knows why.
"This is Ade. We have a project to work on. Harris is really riding us about getting it done on time, so we kind of need to focus."
"Uh huh. Do you boys need anything? Food? We probably have food. Do we have food?"
"Thank you, for keeping him out of trouble. Stiles can get a bit- antsy, if he doesn't have someone to hold him back. Scott only stops him half the time, the rest of the time he goes along with it. Hopefully you'll be the other half."