The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
Good. Ade can play the "use only one hand to make Stiles forget they're in a car" game, can't he?
They really should have left the parking lot.
Stiles isn't likely to suggest it at this stage.
And Ade's actually kinda thrilled by doing this here.
Perhaps... unbuttoning Stiles' pants could be next? His hand doesn't have as much maneuverability under them.
Stiles will figure out what Ade's getting at and help him along.
Now he has precious little defense against his wiles.
Ade's of the opinion that Stiles never did have any defence.
Now he's unobstructed he can kiss his way down...
Well, Ade'd argue that he's very receptive, at the moment, but his mouth is too full for any such arguments to happen.
There are so many more important things happening.
Stiles thoroughly investigates how receptive Ade is being.
It's the weekend, so he has nowhere to be.
Stiles takes full advantage of their time.
They can discuss other options later, then.
If Ade isn't trying to deprive him, he'll be finished shortly.
"Are we going to have to do this twice as much so you don't feel neglected as a boy or a girl?"
"Yes, but not for that reason, just because I really really like the faces you make when I have you in my mouth."
"I feel like we've got a really nice thing going here. I make faces, you think that's kind of's beautiful. I'm so proud of what we have."
He giggles and kisses Stiles. "I'll have you know I liked you before I found out about the lovely faces. You'll remember you didn't believe me when I was flirting with you."
"I won't contest that, since I'm so amazing. And because it's true. So what now?"
"Now..." He looks around. "I think whatever happens now should probably involve us not being naked—or, well, you naked and me shirtless—in the back of your car in the school's parking lot. Unless you wanna go for round two."
"I've only had sex twice this year, but I think I'm adapting pretty fast."