The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"This is good. Teachers liking you for inexplicable reasons is better than some other options."
They arrive in the locker room.
Jackson is in goal for this practice.
He blocks most of the incoming shots until Ade comes up.
Annoyingly good, but not suspiciously so.
Jackson remains confident that he can score.
Sure, sure. Everyone should be at their best.
Jackson says something vaguely insulting about Stiles' gracefulness in the locker room afterwards.
Stiles suggests he do something unsanitary and painful involving a household tool.
"Nice hustle out there, boys. I want to see the same thing tomorrow. Go...what's our mascot? Go Beacon Hills!"
He thinks it'd be kinda hot to watch Stiles and Jackson together. He informs Stiles of this.
"He's not my type, and please repeat that whenever you see him. Also, please consider making out with me in the back of my car. Pros: you get to make out with me, cons: none."
"Not arrogant about the size of his wallet? He's not even arrogant about the size of other things, at least that I could put up with for the relevant timeframe. You're arrogant about less things, and better ones. Very refreshing, 10/10 would recommend."
Ade, meet Jeep.
"We can experiment. Find a balance, you know?"
They should theoretically leave the school parking lot before they get started. Public decency and all that.
Stiles is a bit over-eager.
Ade: cares so little. They can make out, and Stiles can have indirect evidence of the size of Ade's things.
In which case, they'll take the opportunity to get to know each other.
Several times.
Well Stiles has already had more direct, hands-on knowledge, so to speak, but this is still very nice.
There are probably other things to do. Plans of some kind. He can't really recall.