The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"Congratulations, you've mastered following along with the course material. That makes one of you."
Class continues in that vein.
And after class, Mr Harris asks if Ade could "stay after for a few minutes? I can write a note for your next teacher."
"Have you thought about joining the Science Olympiad? Schools compete in teams, showing off their science knowledge. I'll offer extra credit, and it doesn't hurt to have on your college application."
"There are scheduled practices, after school. You can be excused from them if you can convince your faculty advisor that you don't need it. You'll be expected to go to the competitions, which can happen in other states. We get a limited budget, but most of that will go to supplies for the robotics and engineering events. If you need something for the trips themselves, we can work something out. You could also organize a fundraiser."
"Oh no. I wouldn't have suggested it if you couldn't manage both. I can lighten up on the homework to simplify the decision."
Spanish class has already started, but when the teacher sees his note that stops her rant in its tracks. She boggles at it for a few seconds before telling him to sit down.
Stiles looks curious, but doesn't say anything; he doesn't know how to ask what he wants to in Spanish.
His gestures, which have no language, are not very communicative.
The note clarifies: Is this magic? Harris doesn't like anyone.
Tell me everything, before practice.
And after class, they both make their way to the locker room.
"So? How?"
"Your guess is as good as mine, I was pretty sure he disliked me. I was even trying to get him to dislike me by being quippy."
"It can't be the quipping, but maybe he can tell when you're trying. I can see him liking someone to spite them."