The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"Your lack of faith wounds me."
With his lunch finished, Scott prepares for the long slog until lacrosse practice.
"No, see, this comment was prompted by Scott talking about his attraction to hot boys playing lacrosse, it had nothing to do with me."
"Tell me when you've kicked open the conspiracy. I should probably get to class to be obnoxiously not straight."
"We're okay. The impromptu meeting the parents didn't really help, but I think we'll work it out."
"They're protective. I think it's because we move around so much. They don't want me getting attached."
Class indeed. And Allison perhaps needs to be taught what 'abusive' means but that'll be later.
"Are you going to demonstrate that you've learned anything in your time on this planet, or are you going to play games?"