The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"It's not your fault. And what you said got her off my back. Hopefully until Jackson recovers."
"...actually, she's only interested in me because I started getting surprisingly good recently. You're new, if you can keep up with Jackson from the beginning, everyone will believe you're just that good."
"Natural talent. You don't have asthma, you haven't been sitting on the bench for's believable."
Stiles is here, having an argument that threatens to last right up until the bell.
"-because you got a girlfriend? Because he's suddenly good at lacrosse? What's wrong with you?"
"She's annoyed because we stopped hanging out. If I'd known she'd flip out like this, we never would have started."
"...well it is reasonable to be annoyed by someone not wanting to hang out with you anymore. Why did you stop?"
"Meena wasn't really his friend. I'm not keen on covering it up; we used to spend our time mocking everyone and bitterly complaining about everything, and that's harder when I can't tell her anything."