The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
Scott and Stiles are waiting for her at the Jeep.
"Hey. So since it's an old case and they don't share records with random teenagers, we're done. We would have to exhume the body."
"And Derek has... advised against looking into that. There are, apparently, a large number of other things than werewolves and druids around and just from the picture it's not really possible to identify which of the, and I quote 'loads of dangerous, violent, hungry things that like chewing on humans' did it."
"That's great. I always thought if I fell into a secret, magical world it would be less terrible."
"And he didn't feel like telling you about all these dangerous monsters that eat people?"
"He gave me some pointers but he admitted to not knowing about all of them, or even most of them."
"Information gathering is probably our next step. Who do we know that might have information, besides Derek?"
"I... know some druid magic. I have a book. But I can no longer use it. Not ever since I was bitten."
"We need to do this right now. Okay, how did it work? What do I need? Spellbooks? Herbs? Blood?"
She nods. "It's how I got the shapeshifting thing, but that was all I managed to get before being bitten.—uh, now?"
Stiles drops Ade off first.
"Did you have a good day? I was aiming for good."
"Who, me? I'm easy. Give me a murder to solve with a pretty girl and I'm good. Uh, person? Pretty person."