The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"It's dangerous. Most things that could have done that would kill him without a second thought."
"I'm afraid you know the answer to that question. Do you know what could have caused those injuries?"
"Wendigo, mermaid, unicorn. I don't know half of what's out there, it could be any of the loads of dangerous, violent, hungry things that like chewing on humans."
"I... see. I'll try to talk them out of it. Have you ever run into any of those? And do you know if there's anywhere I could find this information?"
"Unicorns probably aren't real, but wendigos definitely exist. Mermaids probably do, but I've never met one. Information comes from werewolf packs, hunters, and druids, and asking hunters will turn you into a smear of blood faster than you can say hello."
"If you can find a druid, they might be willing to help, but there hasn't been one in Beacon Hills since the Hale pack died out."
He looks about to say something, then reconsiders.
"We can probably give him different perspectives. I was born a werewolf."
"That's true. You mentioned that meditation was an option, rather than the anchor, there are probably other things you know better."
"There are some things that I don't get about turned werewolves. I'm just guessing about how he actually feels when he changes. It's different for us."
"Transforming doesn't feel like losing control. It is, I guess, but it feels like letting go. Relaxing."
"And do you have more, ah, control, I guess, when you do turn? Are you less likely to do things you don't want to, beyond what mere practice and familiarity would give you?"
"I don't think so, not exactly...we're more in line with the wolf in the first place."