The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
Scott sucks his head inside, and returns momentarily with the key.
"I'm driving. You can take the passenger seat. Stiles is going to busy."
She does. "It's honestly a bit astounding that more people don't agree, he is adorable," she tells Scott, not bothering to prevent Stiles from hearing.
"Everyone here agrees on that. I think it's probably that some people think he's obnoxious."
"So back to the case," he interrupts loudly.
"Paulina Campos, age 48, body found when construction started on the bowling alley. She was lodged in some cement, something about her husband...the fun part is that she had parts missing, but the rest of her was intact. Animals usually aren't neat about tearing up a body."
"Some defensive wounds, you can check out the medical report when we pull over. The husband owed some money, they think he might have wanted life insurance."
He rifles through his sheaf of papers.
"Here, this is the body..."
He hands her a photo of the remains while poring over the police report.
That sure is a mangled corpse.
The injuries don't look identical to the ones she'd expect a werewolf to leave, but they do look somewhat similar.
"Oh come on, you have catlike reflexes, you can take your eyes off the road for a dead body."
Stiles retrieves the corpse photo.
"Good catch. I knew the defensive wounds were off, if she was just caught by surprise because her husband attacked her it would have looked different, but I figured he used a dog as the murder weapon..."