The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
She pulls away and suddenly looks as if she's as innocent as anything, slipping a hand around Stiles' waist.
"Sorry. Lydia was just helping us figure out this problem. It was giving me trouble all day, you know how I am when I can't solve a problem."
"So. Scott and I have this tradition where I steal my dad's old case files and we try to solve them. It involves sneaking into the hospital morgue, checking out abandoned buildings, that kind of thing."
"About how far you went with my best friend, his arch rival, and his childhood crush? Or whether you want to investigate old murder cases? I think we've covered both."
"First thing actually, I'm pretty sure by scent alone you can't figure out exactly how far anyone went anywhere." She glances at Stiles. "Although you can probably at least guess who."
"I don't need to know how far, I really don't need to know anything. I hate knowing things, it's terrible."
"Cool. I'll find the case file."
A peck on the cheek, and he's running for the parking lot.