The following day has class as usual, their fears of Argent discovery not having caused anything unexpected overnight.
"...he's a werewolf, he's lonely, he's introverted as all get out and possibly misanthropic and needs a therapist, I don't think he's evil."
"I'm not saying he's evil! Maybe a little evil. I'm just saying he might not want to help us."
"Eh, I've read this book and watched this show, he'll come around. Faster if we don't nag him and don't do anything stupid that will risk his and our lives for no good reason, at least until the local hunter problem's been dealt with."
"Just because werewolves are real doesn't mean we should act like we're in a supernatural romance. Could be a horror movie, could be a fantasy epic."
"You're really hot and showers have a suggested use! It's distracting, we should demand an experiment to see how much efficiency we're losing by my perpetual distraction."
"Or we could ignore their suggested use and I could distract you even more," he says, getting up from the bed and making sure Stiles gets a full view.
This probably doesn't serve the same purpose as a shower, but Stiles isn't complaining.
Stiles can read over his shoulder.
This requires they be very close to each other. Without clothes on.
Yes yes they just had sex then "showered" then showered, they can totally be very close to each other while naked.
Stiles gets to know the book.
"This is a lot more boring than I expected. Lots and lots of herbs, and no follow-through. Where am I supposed to get thistle?"
He starts tracing symbols in the air.
Ade may recognize a few, but druids have a lot of symbols they can incorporate. Stiles seems determined to learn them all.