She knows the approximate location of the country now...
And once she looks, it's very hard to miss. Or... Very hard to miss the way a haze is drawn over the entire place. It's not just an obscuring shroud - though it is that, too, foiling the senses as surely as storms foil the sight.
It feels almost alive. Watchful. Protective, and waiting.
And it's - subtle, this isn't the sort of chakra she's felt anyone else draw on, it's a thrum like the natural mists have, like the waves and the ocean, as if someone gathered the undercurrents of wind and rain and stone and breathed intent into them. Or as if a typhoon swirled around the country and decided, you know what, this is a pretty good place to retire to, and simply never swirled away.
It's... She can sense it in the Force, but... Chakra is sideways to the Force in some respects, and this is... Not precisely sideways to chakra, but diffuse where chakra is concentrated, flowing away from attention where chakra turns toward it. Still where chakra moves, slow where chakra's fast.
She's having trouble getting any precise information about the storm at first brush, and it's obscuring everything within it - but the Force is sideways to it, and Occlus could, probably, pierce through it.
Intent, will is more visible in the Force than whatever this thing is doing -
It might notice her if she pokes it too carelessly, or react even if it's not sapient - it's responding to even more subtle perturbations, to the barely detectable ebb and flow of the winds, to the small bright highlights of living chakra that come near its borders. (All small animals, currently - and it seems more sensitive to those than many trained and generally alert Force users would be.)