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darth occlus, her wife, and their adorable grandson go on an accidental road trip to find baby anakin's alt. (they were not exactly anticipating the naruto-verse.)
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"Possibly, but that is not a thing to rely upon. I will meditate upon the vision, and share what further insights I find."


She nods. 

The Mizukage takes over. "Were you at least able to estimate the time of day?"


"Noon, or nearly so. But I must caution against planning too much on the small details. The actor, the effect, the cause- these will not be easily changed, but the future flows from our actions in the present."


Nods all around. 

"We'll treat it like we heard of a loose plan," Shinrei says after a glance at the Mizukage. "We're going to need to have emergency measures for if we can't stop it..."

"And hope those don't trigger a faster attack," the Mizukage says, fingers drumming on the table - then: "Our true priority is keeping our Rinnegan under our control, though."


Sayuri's stomach twists into an unpleasant knot. 

The last thing she wants is - 

Helplessness. Orders, to keep herself alive at every cost. 

To abandon everyone she cares about. 

(Since she resurrected Konoha - they keep, now, everything she'd need to call the only recently dead souls of a much, much larger chunk of the village, even if she can't effectively or safely pull off a mass resurrection in the middle of it.)

(Even if everyone's bodies are swept into the sea. Destroyed. She'd only have a three day window, of course, but...)

(Fuck, she hates seeing this side of things, hates the voice in her head pointing out that the most fragile structures - the entire village really - are trivially rebuilt, and so long as they expand their stores to 'everyone'... There's a shape of mind, a very shinobi shape of mind, to which sacrificing the village to destroy the Akatsuki would make perfect sense here.)

(Sayuri is so, so glad that Terumi Mei is a terrible shinobi, when all's said and done. Sayuri's afraid, sometimes, of being a good shinobi.)

But what could she even say here? The Mizukage is right - Sayuri's their ultimate fallback.


"Though not the only possible priority, it seems to me. What might Akatsuki's goal be in destroying your village so completely?"


"They've repeatedly attacked jinchuuriki," the Mizukage says, "And we're fairly sure captured at least one."

"And Kiri has three jinchuuriki, all decently powerful, and we have a high concentration of very powerful shinobi," Shinrei adds. "Which means we're the village with the most jinchuuriki, and we're careful not to send them too far away from the sort of backup that can take any two of the Akatsuki's normal agents - and we haven't observed them operating in groups of more than two, possibly because it's extremely difficult to get most S-rank missing-nin to cooperate with each other for long stretches. We've also foiled their strikes at non-Kiri jinchuuriki before."

"A strong target with a massive prize," the Mizukage concludes. "And the full destruction of the village is the type of thing it'd take to very thoroughly disrupt our ability to stop them."

"If they have one member with the Rinnegan already, they might be after Sayuri-san for a second, or to eliminate competition," one of the so far quiet advisors says, a slip of a woman with purple hair in a tight bun. "Of course, we're just as careful with her."

"Everyone except Konoha, Suna, and some of the minor villages have been trying to poach or kill Sayuri-san," another points out, a dark-skinned man, the second youngest at the table. "That's almost a given as a secondary goal."

Shinrei frowns. "And... We're unsure how much they've drifted, but the Akatsuki originated as a revolutionary group near the end of the Second Great War. They've acted as mercenaries for over two decades since, but... They might retain enough of their original sentiment to find destroying a major village worth it in and of itself."

"Or someone's paying them a nation's ransom," a third advisor, a younger woman in traditional samurai armor, points out, grimly.

"I'd hope we haven't missed the buildup to a war," the Mizukage says. "I'll step up overtures to Kumo, though - and Shinrei, have Amajina reach out to their jinchuuriki. Bee's more likely than most to hear of any plans like this."

"Yes, ma'am." Then: "And we don't want the Akatsuki destroying any other major villages," Shinrei says with a sigh. "They're really becoming a shared threat..."

"So they might be escalating first," the last advisor, a rather exceptionally old man, points out. "Especially since we don't know what came of their efforts in Ame - we'd concluded that most likely their original leadership was completely wiped out by Hanzo, and that that's what triggered their quiet period and then reorganization, but we don't know, and Ame became totally isolationist after regaining its former borders during the Second War. They've killed any spies we've tried to place, without exception."

"There's been no indication they're striking from Storm Country..." the purple-haired advisor says, her brow furrowing.

"There's been no indication they're striking from anywhere," Shinrei says. 


"The agent pairs each have their own cell," Tobi interjects. "They're each about as in the dark about the rest of the Akatsuki as we are."



"A lot of possibilities, that're mostly speculation."


"You need more information. A point where you can make a strike against Akatsuki proactively."


"Pretty much."


Occlus nods.


"Is that something your group could help with?"


"Possibly. My instincts tell me the focus should be.. Ame."


"So the impenetrable country. Got it." Shinrei rubs at her forehead.


"They have something up that foils my sort of chakra sensing - the entire country is just... An even haze of chakra - but, your stuff seems to work differently. Do you think you'd be able to sense into it from a position outside the border?"


"Perhaps. I will need a frame of reference to locate the area, but given that I could work as well from here as anywhere."


"Does a map work?"


"It would."


She retrieves one.

The Land of Storms - which contains Amegakure - is a landlocked country sandwiched between Fire, Wind, and Earth, as well as three minor countries.


She studies the map, orienting herself with the known positions of Kiri, Konoha, and their arrival point.


Their arrival point had been more or less southeast of Ame - on the southern coast of Fire near the border to the Land of Rivers (between Wind and Fire). Konoha is a nearly straight shot east of the part of the Land of Storms they think Ame is in. (Or... Was, over twenty years ago.) Kiri is further east and very slightly to the south of Konoha.


"I can use this. I will require time."



"Do you have an estimate of how long?"


"A few hours, initially."

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