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Tabby and Zeke are mad science experiments in Rockeye's new world.
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"He bends space in really weird hard to understand ways and can make paradox things. Have you heard of M.C. Escher? Stuff like that, except it falls apart pretty quick. And we should really start the movie now if we're going to do it at all. I'll pass out popcorn."


Popcorn is delivered in smallish bags by clicking (magical, a bright xylophone tune) little helicopter things.


Zeke does a little dance in his seat.


"What'chu dancing for?"


"The magic coming off the helicopter is pretty."


"Ooh! I want to show you some stuff later! ...Movie is starting now though."


The twins sit quietly.


The movie opens with a rip-off of Superman. The space princess's dad sends her to Earth in a little spaceship and defiantly tells the villain-looking guy that he'll never find her now.


Tabitha is silently asking herself the same question she had about Superman: Why don't these people ever build bigger ships?


The movie elides over this to show the space princess's Typical Suburban Life Growing Up, and how she likes astronomy, and then jumps right into the big exciting adventurey parts after only a few minutes.


At least the movie has its priorities straight.


Zeke enjoyed it more than most boys his age might care to admit. He's also singing the soundtrack once the credits roll.


Soon it will be time for a barrage of powers-questions from the other kids again. But for now, "We don't do movies all the time, and you need to do chores or other work unless you absolutely can't... But do you think you two will be okay here?"


"We've never really had to do chores, but they can't be worse than tests or checkups."


"The guy at the newspaper stand said we should see a doctor, though."


"I have a doctor. Not, like, all the time, but she comes by once in a while to check up on everyone. If you want me to be there when she comes then I will."


"That would be good. You aren't going to make us rob banks or hurt people are you?"


"Definitely no robbing banks. That's a horrible idea. Almost definitely no hurting people, and if you do, it would be because they tried to hurt you. I won't make you. My biggest idea was to have you deliver stuff."


Zeke perks up at this. "Does this mean we'd get to fly a lot?"


"Yeah, if you want to do that."


"Yep. I do have to ask. You never know."


"Do you want us to do anything now?"


"Not yet. Couple days to plan stuff for you. Plus I should let you get used to here and think about stuff."

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