Malak is circulating and looking for interesting people, insofar as "interesting" can be taken to mean "She's pretty sure she saw them on their way to the cafeteria so she can follow them back to the vicinity of her room". She really hopes this isn't obvious. No, no, no, - is that girl in pajamas?? and... flirting? Already? - OK, no, move along, no need to boggle at the dead girl walking - no, no - maybe, she looks familiar, from the spoke hallway by the stairs. Maybe enough to go on. Also she's obviously an enclaver, not Istanbul and probably not New York, so a good person to know. She pulls herself together and approaches. Her exact words are not rehearsed, but she's practiced how to make an introduction enough that she can do it in her sleep, which is good because sleep is a more debilitating condition than intense dehydration and nausea.
"Hello. I'm Malak, not Moloch, from Istanbul, not Constantinople. Creative writing or artifice, my affinity could go either way. You?"