The room is definitely... striking. It's a glittering cavern of gem-studded black rock, some of it with an obvious lava flow pattern, some with flow patterns that are... weirder. Entire sections of wall look swirled and smeared in random directions, as though while still molten the room was found by some enormous cosmic child looking to play in a very warm mud pit. There's not much in the way of light, either, just a few dim and lonely lanterns hanging from the walls. Plenty of nooks and crannies to squirrel things away in, and some human-sized furniture for human-sized activities like writing at a desk or sleeping in a bed; speaking of which, there's a human-sized bathroom, too, with its door hidden behind a short curving tunnel to better fit in with the natural-cavern aesthetic. It too has dark stone walls and scant lighting, but the floor is flatter and the architecture is more... architected. There's a big round pool/tub set into that flat floor, and a smaller curtained-off nook on the far side containing further bathroom amenities.
(The room's main door opens a crack, and then closes again. Did a shadow slip through? It's hard to tell.)