When Lev next gets a chance to check his phone, the results from the amateur linguists are back. The language is Middle Chinese, probably Tang Dynasty based on some quirks of plosives and tonality. It's mostly similar to So-and-so's reconstruction, with some traits of Such-and-such's. (The thread discussing this is very contentious. Apparently there is drama in the Middle Chinese fandom intense academic debate about the vowels, and how dare anyone not stick to a specific reconstruction/use the Incorrect reconstruction/etc.)
The speaker is also notably fluent considering this is a dead language reconstructed mostly from poetry and rhyming dictionaries, and also they have a weird accent that is hard to place.
One person would really love to have any more context on where Lev found this recording, please, it's going to haunt them otherwise. It's one minute of rambling about the concept of talking, and then four minutes of free association about the restaurants of Chang'an? Including one that had really good food but got closed down because of a murder??? And they have to know if this is based off an existing text or what, and if so could someone please send them a digital copy of this text.