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Jing Yi meets Cascadia!Lev
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"And now I get to show them to someone from thirteen hundred years ago."


Oh look, the estimate has changed. Depressing maths can still wait till he's not flying though!

"I had no way to expect this. ...Not the time travel, but the--" he gestures at the plane, trying to encompass both the 'flying' and the 'tray tables and furniture made out of ?mystery material?'


"The world is an amazing place. --It's too bad we're not flying at night. At night Portland shines like the stars."


It takes him a second to process the how. "With enough artificial lights, it would."


"I'm just-- constantly amazed that we can fly and we fly so much that people hate traveling on planes."


"I mean I can very much sympathise with those who hate it--"


"You can get drugs for it next time if you still hate it."


"It's-- mixed? Next time I'm going to have a better idea of what to expect."


"Five minutes of wonder at the beauty of the clouds and the remaining hour and twenty-five minutes hating the sound of screaming babies, wishing you'd bought a book at the airport, trying to figure out if twenty dollars for wifi is worth it, and contemplating whether to watch the in-flight movie."


"I can see why some people would want to be drugged to the gills for that."


"I wonder what the movie is now. --Spider-man? Which I guess is not a bad introduction to the concept of movies."


"It will likely be Culturally Edifying."


Spider-man is about a man with magic spider-themed powers who puts on a suit and uses his powers to fight crime. For some unclear reason, his suit is red and blue, which are not really colors that spiders are.

The crimes are currently being committed by someone called the Kingpin, whom we know is evil because he sells drugs, hires people to murder people, and forces women into slavery the type of which is not made clear. (Lev makes a disgusted noise at this.) The Kingpin is mad at Spider-man because Spider-man arrested him last movie. He has hired someone called Kraven the Hunter, the greatest hunter in the world, to try to kill Spider-man. Spider-man is apparently the Most Dangerous Game, presumably due to being a person with magic spider powers. (Lev makes a disgusted noise at this.)

When he is not wearing an inexplicable red-and-blue costume, Spider-man spends a lot of time doing things that are often incomprehensible to Jing Yi but generally seem meant to convey that he is broke, constantly humiliated, and forced to choose between fighting crime and having Literally Any Good Things In His Life. His boss yells at him constantly and runs newspaper stories about how Spider-man is a MENACE who is DESTROYING THE CITY. There is also a lingering thirty-second shot of an odd candelabra with nine slots. (Lev makes a disgusted noise at this.) 

When he is wearing a costume, Spider-man says a lot of incomprehensible things that make Lev laugh. He also talks a lot about how With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.    

Spider-man is dating Mary Jane. Mary Jane doesn't know that he's Spider-man and worries that he doesn't like her because he keeps missing his dates due to e.g. having to keep Kraven from destroying the city. (The city is carefully unnamed and has no distinguishing landmarks.) Also, at the climax of the movie Kraven kidnaps her and then Spider-man has to rescue her. You know that Mary Jane and Spider-man are in love with each other because they keep saying "I love you." The movie presents no other evidence of this claim. 

This obligatory romantic relationship is in contrast with the sizzling level of sexual tension between Spider-man and the freelance mercenary Deadpool, who wears a red outfit and has two swords and used to work for Kingpin but is now freelance and occasionally helps Spider-man out. Spider-man and Deadpool are forever gazing lingeringly at each other, pinning each other to walls in anger, getting tied up together, giving each other tender and romantic gifts of pizza, hanging out on rooftops talking, and arguing in a way that makes you think they're going to start making out as soon as the camera gives them some privacy. 

For the last thirty minutes of the movie, lots of things blow up and lots of people jump out of windows and climb on top of buildings and destroy expensive buildings and hit each other. It is extremely pretty. We are informed that mysteriously no one died even though definitely some people died [citation: physics]. (Lev makes a disgusted noise of this.) Then Deadpool disappears with a callback to an earlier conversation and Spider-man and Mary Jane chastely kiss. This is a second piece of evidence that they are in love with each other. 


It is Culturally Edifying in that Jing Yi has no clue what's going on because of the massive culture clash. Why are there people with themed magic powers? Why are the magic people wearing brightly coloured skin tight clothes? (He is 99% sure the answer is not 'Folsom reasons', but that is the only place he has seen anyone wear anything remotely similar and it's the hypothesis he has.) What is a newspaper, and why do they want pictures of Spider-man? (His best guess is they're some form of distribution of wanted posters, but. If you can't recognise who the guy swinging from a web in a skin tight yet completely covering suit, a wanted poster will not help you here.)

Why is Lev making noises?

It's very entertaining though, even if it inexplicable. Watching people do flips while attacking people with swords while something explodes in the background is fun even if you have no clue why that is happening.


And then not long after the after-credits scene (someone named Miles Morales is walking down the street and is bitten by a spider, which we are apparently supposed to think is important) the plane lands. 


Jing Yi would like points for merely gripping the arm rests tight and not making an alarmed noise as the plane lands. Why is this so shuddery. Why are they still going so fast. Why did the plane bounce before landing properly.


"It's okay. Everything is normal."


There is some gentle slumping back into the chair as the plane starts taxiing gate-wards. "The future is weird."


"Someone invented the concept of 'future shock' which is what you feel when there's too much change in too little time. I think you're suffering the worst case of future shock known to humanity."


"Well here's hoping it isn't terminal!"


Away from the airplane and to the public housing building!


To the public housing! His expectations are appropriately low. The only expectation his has is that somehow, rectangles will be involved.


Lev walks up to the receptionist, says "he would like an apartment," and without any fuss Jing Yi receives a apartment.

As advertised, it has a bathroom, a bedroom, and a living room/kitchen combination room. Probably a kitchen. The only items here whose use he recognizes are the knives and the electric kettle.


Well that was surprisingly efficient bureaucracy!

The probably a kitchen at least contains some rectangles, as advertised. Mysterious rectangles, but really that's true of most Cascadian rectangles.


Lev is going to explain the use of assorted other Cascadian rectangles, such as the refrigerator and the freezer and the stove and the oven and the microwave, and also some other mysterious Cascadian items such as the rice cooker. 

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