Lev is sitting very patiently in the middle of Milliways, reading a history book from another world and waiting for someone to show up with magic powers that can turn him into a girl.
Jing Yi makes reasonable stabs at question answering, seeing as he only started learning modern science an hour or so ago.
"I'm not used to being on this end of the questioning."
"I mean, I work for the Three Judicial Offices? Asking people questions is most of my job."
"We investigate crimes. Usually more serious ones, like suspicious deaths, but we do investigate others too."
"I feel very 'oh, shit, you're a cop' even though I don't commit crimes and definitely don't commit crimes in Great Tang."
"Well, unless you dark secret is a crime, you don't have anything to worry about! ... Even if it was, its not like I have jurisdiction." though now he is terminally curious.
"I guess it could be a crime in Great Tang, I have no idea how progressive you guys are."
"In most cultures where it's illegal a man dressing as a woman is the thing that's. Illegal."
"Also not illegal! Socially frowned upon at times, but not illegal. And wouldn't be my department even if it was." He knows this for job reasons and not personal ones, yes definitely
Yeah okay more education.
His foot is touching Jing Yi's foot and he's not taking it away.