leareth is captured by Cheliax
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Ebet nods. "Those are all reasonable requests. I...have to confess, I'm not authorized to make any promises on that, on Leareth's behalf. It wasn't part of the authority I was given - er, to be clear, we had no idea you were going to be here when we were dispatched with the child. But - if you want an answer on it before we leave, we could in theory open communications and check?" He does have a one-time-use codebook, for sending long-distance messages via the standard communication spell.

"I would need privacy," he adds. "Outside of this room." Glance at Savil. 


Savil looks mulish. 


Tran mostly looks INTENSELY SUSPICIOUS. 


Ebet sighs. "- Unfortunately, I'm not comfortable doing that unless the Heralds agree to that." 


This is intensely frustrating. 

It's not worth revealing himself over, though. And unfortunately - unlike the locals, apparently - Malduoni doesn't have any genuinely subtle mind-control magic. And he has to assume anything he tries will be perfectly detectable to the local mages, who seem to have an equivalent of permanent Detect Magic. 

He waits for the Asmodeans' response. 


"Perhaps while you're doing that we could discuss similar guarantees with the Heralds Savil and Tantras?" Hulien says.


Savil exchanges a look with Tran. She is, at this point, much less sure that sending anyone to Cheliax is a good idea. 

(Vanyel volunteered. Because of course he did. When Randi inevitably lost his mind about it, Vanyel offered to go in as one of his spy personas. He pointed out that it would be a much better cover in a world that's never heard of him, which was unfortunately a good point. Nonetheless. Savil is incredibly unhappy about this!) 


Tran shrugs a little. Angering Leareth's people at this stage does not actually seem like a good idea. They can leave whenever they like anyway, and Valdemar is not at all in a position to fight a war with Leareth now, no matter what awful monstrous plan he's scheming.

(One probably-forlorn hope: Cheliax might be just as upset by the plan as Valdemar? And motivated to stop Leareth from permanently destroying ten million souls in order to do this.) 

"Of course," he says levelly, and moves to unlock the Work Room door. 


"I appreciate it," Ebet says, as politely as he can manage, and slips out with Talli. The others stay. 


Malduoni stays as well, unseen. He has eight minutes left, and this room seems like the more interesting one - and he's in fact not inclined to violate Leareth's mage's request for privacy to do his communications, whether or not they have any idea he's here. 


Savil lifts her chin. "So?" 


"Are you authorized to negotiate on behalf of Valdemar, or would we be proposing an agreement to be brought before the King?"


"- I'm not currently so authorized, no." And Randi wouldn't choose her for it. "If you'd rather pause a moment while we speak with him and he confirms delegating that authority, we could do that." 


"No, it's fine to draw something up for his later review, I'd just prefer to be clear if that's what we're doing. What assurances would you need to feel comfortable sending your observers to attend Asmodean church services, meet people in Cheliax, and travel through Cheliax to the rest of Golarion?"


This, fortunately, is something they did discuss with the Senior Circle, and Savil can rattle off a summary of that conversation. They would want to send a Herald. The Herald would have to be allowed to wear as many protective talismans as they chose, not be separated from their Companion, and be allowed to send written communications - or by another method, if Cheliax has a better one - back to Valdemar, and these messages will not be read by the Chelish authorities. They're willing to consent the equivalent of a first stage Truth Spell, if Golarion has that - this is accepted in certain negotiations between Valdemar and its neighbours - but not second-stage, nor any kind of coercive mind control, nor having their mind read... 


Meanwhile, Leareth is prodded awake from a deep, drugged sleep. 

:What: he sends, very irritably. 


"I am so sorry to wake you. Just - there are apparently Chelish diplomats in Haven! Important ones - authorized to negotiate a treaty on behalf of Cheliax, even. They wish to talk to you. One of them is a cleric and might offer you his healing magic. But they want us to send someone to negotiate on your behalf."


Mindspeech hurts but talking out loud is more effort. :Oh: Leareth sends back, dully. :Do you trust them: 


"In general? No, not at all. I think they will not break their word. Other than that, it would be on us to take every precaution." 


:- Well, yes: 

He's so tired. This is an important, high stakes decision and he's so tired and it's desperately tempting to put it off. 


:Do you think you can handle it: 


"I can take care of myself. And - I do not know your wishes perfectly, but I am very sure I will not agree to anything that you would regret." 


:Right. And what assurances did they want: 


Nayoki relays this. A commitment that the envoys' minds won't be altered, their souls won't be handed to local gods, and they will be allowed to leave freely if they choose.

"...I would be offended that they were worried about the middle one," she adds, "except that it is not unreasonable of them! Given other recent events." 


:Mmm. ...Do they know Carissa is here: 


"The Heralds told them, so yes. They had a message for her. Ebet said you would likely allow communications." 

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