leareth is captured by Cheliax
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:We, er, seem...to have Jisa back. Looks like Leareth's people Gated her over. Savil's Truth Spelling them right now: 


:Huh! ...Well, that's cooperative of them, I suppose. What happened?: 


:Don't know exactly. I left before the questioning. Jisa's insisting she went voluntarily and it was her idea, but...well. You know: 


Sigh. :Meet me at Healers'? I can check her over: 


About twenty minutes later, Herald Tantras knocks very politely on the door of the Chelish diplomats' guest quarters. "May I come in?" 


"Of course! I hope that everyone is all right? No more Chelish prisoners have escaped on you?"


"- No. Er, not that. We... We have at least some reason to think that the King's daughter wasn't deliberately kidnapped. And, either way, it...looks like Leareth's faction just returned her. Which does answer the question of who has both prisoners. At this point. Though we're still not exactly clear on what happened leading up to that." 


"Just returned her to here, where she was kidnapped from in the first place?"


"Well. Not exactly where she was before. They - dropped her off at an outlying stable - it sounds like this was the Gate-location closest to the Palace, and they were aiming to have her back with her father as soon as possible to avoid, er, escalating toward a war with Valdemar." 


"I think it had somehow failed to come up, in our earlier conversation, that these prisoners were being held right here. I somehow mistakenly ended up with the impression that it was the Tayledras holding them."


"...I would have to check exactly what was said with my Companion, since I don't have an eidetic memory. We did say that the Tayledras called in a favour with Valdemar, to temporarily hold their prisoners here while they determined if Leareth would be safe to have in one of their Vales." 


"I do have an eidetic memory," the man says pleasantly.


"How nice for you. Anyway. It...right now, looks most likely that your wizard - Carissa Sevar? - was planning an escape, and managed to convince the King's daughter to help with this, but the plan involved Leareth doing a Gate back to his people. So that's presumably where both of them are now." 


"When you say that it looks like that, I don't know what you mean."


"I mean that our main source of information on this is an eight-year-old child." 


"I see. Is Valdemar complaining that your prisoner contemplated escape in violation of an oath she had taken to the effect that none such would be attempted? Because in Golarion such oaths usually do not proscribe the contemplation of escape, or cooperation with an attempt initiated by another, but we'd need to see the exact wording."


"I wasn't actually trying to complain. I thought you might want an update on the situation here, is all." 


"And the situation is that the girl was Gated home? Alone? Claiming she went voluntarily?"


“That was her claim, yes. We’re obviously very suspicious of it.”


"I have an eight year old and it's hard to get her to confess to poor grades at school, let alone to capital crimes."


Tantras does not even slightly know how to respond to that! 

“Er, anyway - some of Leareth’s people are here being questioned. If you wanted to talk to them about the wizard. They also said that they have two other Chelish prisoners, from when they were trying to rescue Leareth?”


"That sounds very much of interest to us! Thank you. Can we speak to them now?"


"Er, one second, let me check." 

:Savil? The Chelish diplomats want to speak to Leareth's people as well: 


:Well. I think I've gotten everything I'm going to, and - guess we'd better make them happy. Sure. Should I haul them over there?: 


:I'll ask: 

"Do you want us to bring them here? Bring them to another location so you can question them?" 

(Tantras is thinking that he isn't, actually, going to care at all if they want to torture Leareth's staff in an interrogation. This does not seem like it should be his problem.) 

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