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Ma'ar has an unexpected immortality spell malfunction. And then a medical drama.
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Marian does not make a face. It's an effortful not-making-a-face. 

"Uh, right. Dr...Agarwal? What've you heard so far?" 


Dr Agarwal has a pinched triangular face with an oversized nose set in the middle like a beak, and looks about seventeen. He straightens up, though, and smiles at her. "Marian, right? Dr Prissan told me he's, er, interesting and not in the usual way, that's all." 


Ughhhhhhh. Rude. She cannot actually snark at the ICU attending for being rude, it won't help - maybe she can drop some hints to Nellie that he needs snark later... 

"Um. So. He– uh the important part is -" 

There's no non-mortifying way to say this, is there. 

"He's um a wizard from another world with um telepathy and mind control powers and he uh thought he was a prisoner and tried to escape before." 


"He what?" Dr Agarwal shoots Dr Prissan a suspicious, uneasy look. He's not someone who has a poker face at ALL, and he's clearly wondering if this is some kind of hazing ritual and if so how he's supposed to respond to pass the 'test'. 

Dr Prissan has his head turned so that Dr Agarwal can't see his lips twitching.


Marian, however, can. Very funny, Dr Prissan. 

It's true, but Dr Agarwal's facial expression is still incredibly embarrassing. 

"Why don't we go in and meet him?" she says, half-desperately. "Uh. Stay out here a sec and I'll talk to him. He's got PTSD from– uh nevermind I'll tell you later." Telling Dr Agarwal it's from a war he led that ended up maybe destroying his whole world is going to be agonizing and probably bounce off until he's convinced. 

She logs out of his chart, gets up, looks wistfully at her half-completed Word doc of special notes to put on Ma'ar's door, and then forges into the room.

"Ma'ar. Hey." He doesn't respond; he's pretty solidly asleep. She touches his shoulder. "Ma'ar?" 


Ma'ar doesn't especially want to wake up, right now. Staying conscious right now takes an ongoing effort of will, and why bother, when consciousness is just grief and confusion and vague yet unrelenting physical misery. The headache isn't awful, and neither is the nausea, or his parched lips, or the sore throat, or the ache of bruises everywhere. He could bear any one of those just fine, in isolation. But it's all happening at once, and he's apparently too weak to even shift position in bed unaided. He doesn't want to bother Marian every five minutes for help - he knows what Healing work is like, and has no desire to add to it - so instead he lets the exhaustion carry him under.

His sleep is uneasy, filled with vague half-formed nightmares, but it's still the path of least resistance, until Marian's voice drags him back again. It feels oddly as though he's passing through several layers of reality, separated by gluey membranes, thinking he's awake and his eyes are open and then realizing that's still half a dream.

"Mmm?" he manages finally, and then starts coughing, which wakes him fully. 


...That sure is the face of someone being unhappily yanked from a deep sleep. Marian doesn't feel too bad about it, though. Some not-quite-conscious part of her mind noted that his sats were down to 95%, not enough to warrant an intervention but still a bit unimpressive for someone on 2L of oxygen with no preexisting lung issues. And, yep, as soon as he's awake and clearing his airway properly, he's popping right up. 

"I'm really sorry to wake you. The doctor wants to introduce someone - his, er, junior doctor - who'll be covering overnight, and he wants to look at your heart." 


Ma'ar tries his best to follow. Marian is getting pretty good at shaping her thoughts deliberately to be clear to him, actually. He nods. 


"Are you up for doing your telepathy thing to talk to him? He, uh - magic isn't a thing in this world and I'm not sure he believes me. ...Uh, how bad is your headache, maybe I should check your blood sugar again first?" 


Ma'ar shakes his head. :Not bad. Can do that: The headache is actually bothering him less now. Maybe it's just that, when awake, he has more coping mechanisms for physical pain. 


Marian sighs, and beckons the two doctors in. 

"Ma'ar, this is, um, Dr Agarwal. ...Doctor, here, I think the telepathy's easier if you're touching." She lifts Ma'ar's unrestrained-but-limp arm. 


"Uhhhh. Hello."


At arms' length, Ma'ar can feel the doctor's mind and pick up a skim of emotional overtones. Nervous, dubious, off-balance, trying hard to suppress annoyance but not at Ma'ar. 

The man takes Ma'ar's hand and his surface thoughts come clearer. His eyes just skimmed over the flashing machines beside the bed and the numbers apparently displayed above the bed somewhere, which he seems pleased with, and then a little confused about why this patient is supposedly 'complicated' when his vitals look so good. He's mostly assuming that the telepathic-wizard thing is a weird joke but there's still curiosity and anticipation. 


Ma'ar reaches for his mind. :Good to meet you: he says, too glue-headed to come up with anything else. 


Dr Agarwal, to his credit, only lets out a small squeak, even as his thoughts are scrambling through 'did that just really happen' and 'am I hallucinating' and then briefly considering if this is a really involved prank involving - giving him hallucinogens??? Except that makes no sense??? 

Like most medical residents, though, he has a very strong habit of 'keep doing the obvious things while you figure your shit out.' 

He clears his throat. "Ma'ar? Dr Prissan is planning to do an echocardiogram, er, that's using sound-waves to get some pictures of your heart and see how well it's functioning. May we do that now?" 


At any other time, he would be very curious about this totally non-magical replacement for Healing-Sight. Right now, Ma'ar just wants them to let him sleep.

He nods anyway, though. :You can do that: 


Dr Agarwal nods stiffly. "We'll get the machine and be right back." His mind is still mostly blank, interrupted with fragments of 'what. what.' 


Marian stays in the room. Ma'ar is already trying to close his eyes again, she notices. Was he this concerningly flat-affect before? Not during his freakout, obviously, and before that it was hard to tell, with the ventilator and sedation. 

"Are you feeling okay?" she asks him. 


He feels unwell in half a dozen different ways and also Urtho is dead and everything he spent his entire life building is gone. 

:Just tired: 


"You can sleep soon. I mean, you don't even have to stay awake for the test. It won't hurt - no needles, it's just a probe on your skin." 


He gives her an indifferent nod. 


"- Ma'ar, you're going to tell me right away if you feel sicker, right?" Probably he's fine physically and it's just that he really is tired, and depressed about what happened to his country. 

She's going to grab the glucometer and check his blood sugar again anyway. 


It's fine, sitting at 82. His other vital signs are all fine as well, except that his O2 sat creeps down to 94-95% when he nods off again. His blood pressure is hovering in the 100/60 range, but that's totally adequate, and probably just what's normal for him when he's relaxed in bed and on morphine. 


Dr Prissan and the new resident must have gotten waylaid; they don't make it back with the ultrasound machine until twenty minutes later, by which point Marian is back at the desk working on her door-printout and taking notes to prepare for giving report. 

She belatedly realized that they haven't checked with Nellie if she's comfortable having her mind read. However, that conversation sounds incredibly uncomfortable to attempt before Nellie gets in and can receive a proper bedside report. Eh, if she isn't fine with it then Ma'ar can probably make do with his picture board. 


The bedside echo is uneventful and Ma'ar basically does not participate, aside from cooperating when Marian and the resident need to shift his position in bed.

The imagery itself isn't worrying, at least not according to Dr Prissan. Moderately decreased ejection fraction, but he was seriously in shock twelve hours ago, it's not surprising that his body is still sorting itself out, and his BP is fine with no pressor support. 

Dr Agarwal is very sweet and stays to help Marian get him straightened out in bed and ensconced in a cozy nest of pillows, and then ducks off to prepare for the shortly-arriving transfer patient. 


Marian narrows her eyes at Ma'ar's temperature, now reading 37.5 - not quite a fever, but edging toward that. His heart rate is steady, though. Maybe that's just his native body temperature? Maybe telepathic wizards run a little hotter than normal humans, to fuel all that telepathy? She'll keep an eye on it. Well, tell Nellie to keep an eye on it, more likely, it's 5:55 pm now and her shift is finally, finally, almost over. 

If she gets all the rest of her stuff done in the next few minutes - emptying Foley bags, turning her other lady, final charting and room-tidying - then she can probably help with the admission, at least by running short errands that let her check on Ma'ar regularly. 

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