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The Worst Genin Team, take 2
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Elieyha doesn't feel like trying very hard for this test. She covers one eye and pushes her senses into a clump of sand, which takes the form of an eyeball. She sends it flicking about the room, searching for a completed sheet. Maybe that Kiri girl...


Amajina had known about Sayuri's plans, of course, but - Tobi had said she isn't confident the seal could split to more than two papers and stay stable, so Amajina had told her not to bother. Amajina's smart, anyways, and curious...

But her education before joining Kiri was really spotty, and she can make an educated guess at a lot of these, but she doesn't really know for sure how to solve them.

...Also, she's not that good at cheating. 

She scowls down at her paper, then - 'Isobu, can you get any of these?'

There's a shuffling in the back of her mind. 'Maybe? But they're not really centrally my thing... I can ask one of the others, though?'

Hm... 'Yeah, go ahead.'

He shuffles again, then - a moment of vertigo, and she's being pulled fully into the shared mindscape of the bijuu. Amajina blinks and looks around - usually she's only half here, able to hear what Isobu does but not fully present. It's neat, though, a massive valley with an enormous fire in the middle, perches for each of the bijuu scattered around. Stars she's never seen whirl overhead. Isobu's down at the lowest point, in a lake that the valley's river pours into, and Amajina's on his back. 

There's another bijuu there, high up the mountain, with his own jinchuuriki standing a bit separately. The bijuu is a four tailed ape with red fur - Son Gokū, and his jinchuuriki is an older man in a simple robe with no forehead protector. Despite the distance, they're clearly visible - and audible, when Son Gokū rumbles, "So this is the girl you've been bragging about, Isobu?"

"Ah, yes," Isobu says, fidgeting. "This is Amajina."

She takes that as her cue, bowing deeply. "It is my pleasure to meet you, Son Gokū. Isobu has had many good things to say about you, and I'm grateful you're willing to talk to me."

He rumbles, pleased. "You have good manners, Amajina." He tilts his head, then - "This is my own host, Rōshi. He's disrespectful, but at least he's not stupid."

She turns to look at him properly - and catches him rolling his eyes. Her own lips twitch into a smile. "It's a pleasure, Rōshi."

He nods back. "So, Isobu said you have an exam you needed help with?"

Amajina rubs the back of her head. "Ah, yeah. So - it's the chuunin exams, and these questions are a bit over my level... We're supposed to cheat, but I'm not good at conventional ways of that."

"Well, this counts well enough," Rōshi says, sitting down cross legged.

"Though you should learn this material regardless," Son Gokū says. 

She laughs, sitting as well, and leans forward for her first lesson on cryptography.


She's darts back into conventional reality as she figures out the first question - time passes faster in the bijuu realm, so she's giving an impression of working quickly even though the lesson took a while from her perspective. 

And then she notices Elieyha's chakra gathering, focusing on her -

Hm, Naruto's covered, but not the other girl...

She pings the bijuu mentally, then, another feeling of vertigo - she's back in the mental landscape, followed after a beat by a swirl of sand heralding Shukaku - and another as Elieyha is pulled through by Isobu and Son Gokū's combined efforts. 


What the fuck is this.


Shukaku rumbles angrily. "Idiot turtle. Keep your paws away from my magnificent self."


Isobu frowns. "I wasn't trying to grab you; I just wanted to talk to your host. You can sulk off."


"Ha! Not unless you want this girlie's soul splattered across your face."


Isobu sighs. "I meant go sit on your perch and ignore us; we can make sure you don't have to hear anything bothering you."


He grumbles, but sits down.


"Where are we."


"The bijuu can enter a shared mental landscape!" Amajina chirps, after mentally checking that Shukaku has in fact been isolated from hearing them. "They can pull us along, and apparently Son Gokū knows how to pull a bijuu's host through even without that bijuu really cooperating." (The giant ape waves.)

"I noticed you reaching out toward me with a jutsu - I guess to cheat off my answers? Anyways, Son Gokū and his host Rōshi have been helping me, so I figured if I pulled you in you could just get the answers directly."


"Why do you want to help me."


"Because I like you, and us jinchuuriki should stick together."


Bleh. Well. She was going to steal the answers anyway.



Bright grin. "Awesome!"

And: learning! 


Elieyha is not very much an active learner, here.


It's okay; Amajina's plenty active for both of them, and she makes sure Elieyha has any given answer down before ducking out of the landscape.


It turns out Elieyha can't leave the mindscape without Shukaku leaving too, which he grumbles more about. He suggests killing everyone in the room instead of completing the test, grudgingly amending this to just the proctors and half the genin at Isobu's glare.


"The bijuu can come here without the hosts - you could both duck out, then just you duck back in," Amajina points out.


"And you're going to redraw the seal right here to make that possible?" Shukaku snorts. "Arrogant little girl. Go give that so-called Kazekage some advice about how to properly draw the prison he put on his newborn daughter."



"I don't have a seal on me, but - my sensei is a seal master, and she was a jinchuuriki, once. She might be able to fix it."


"Hmf. I won't hold my breath, brat."

Shukaku and Elieyha vanish from the mindscape.


She slides back out as well, and sets to finish filling out her answers.

Not too much time left on the clock, though she finished with some wiggle room.


Elieyha also finishes efficiently.

Not that many people have answered all the questions, but those that haven't been failed out already have mostly completed at least a respectable fraction.


The head proctor taps the podium for attention. His grimace stretches the scars on his face.

"Pencils down, trash. Time for the tenth question." He pauses to sweep a dismissive gaze across the room. "...There's going to be some additional rules for this question. First. If you don't want to answer it, you can leave the room now. Your score will be reduced to zero and your team will be ejected from the exam." The corner of his mouth twists up as a susurrus of shock starts up. He lets it buzz for a few seconds then slaps a hand down. "Second. If you answer the tenth question incorrectly... you will never be allowed to take the chuunin exams again."

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