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The Worst Genin Team, take 2
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Shinrei blocks her strike, batting it aside - a blade leaping into each hand, unraveling from hidden seals, both with subtle sealwork sprawling along their lengths, and she rarely used this in her last life but Kisame's seen those blades before - 

She's no longer masking her chakra, her presence - so much more than mere killing intent - spilling out into the air around them. Samehada recognizes her.


"YAGURA!" he roars as he attacks the genin from the other side. Samehada flexes excitedly, breaking free of its bindings.


She blocks his blade as well - but Jakkou's fast, and Shinrei would be a match for one master swordsman. (Fortunately, Jakkou is merely very good - but she's a master at illusions, and Shinrei has more than herself to worry about - )


One of their blades slipping through her guard was almost inevitable, really.


Elaise can't fight Kisame head-on, his sword shatters her bones as soon as it touches them (and that hurts) but she can harry the other one, disrupting her chakra every few seconds to keep abreast of the genjutsu-

Shinrei's injury causes her to explode in a barrage of spikes. A technique she calls the Thornbush, when she thinks about it.


Amajina's lashing out at both S-ranked nin - with water, mostly, but she can saturate the air with enough chakra to just brute force disrupting any broad genjutsu - 


Annoyances, mostly.

But neither Jakkou nor Kisame is Kage-level, and Yagura could defeat either of them alone - so the annoyances matter, at least a little, and Jakkou can kill the other genin but not the jinchuuriki... And she hasn't gotten a clear shot at Elaise, between Yagura and Amajina - 

Still, she's no slouch, and she hasn't taken many injuries yet.


Sayuri's being ignored, in all this.

She isn't a talented fighter. She isn't a jinchuuriki, a chakra power-house. She isn't a jounin or a mysteriously alive dead woman...

Their enemies have written her off, and she's retreated away from the clash, unable to keep up with defending herself.

Perfect, as far as these things go.

Sayuri undoes her bandages - 

Pale eyes, almost a milky lavender, black rings in her iris, like ripples out from the darkness at the center -

Both Kisame and Jakkou's bodies start ripping themselves apart. Undirected - but most of a human's volume is internal, only some of the blood will be escaping from their skin - the places their chakra protects most intensely are resistant, brain and heart and lungs - but none of those can function without intact circulation, not for long.

Sayuri collapses, gashes opening in her skin, bruises spreading, blood on her lips -

A pulse. 

Her teammates heal, completely and wholly - they feel better than they ever have - and some of Sayuri's wounds close. (Though not all, not by any stretch.)


Elaise moves to defend her.


And her enemies move to the attack.


Shinrei steps up her own efforts - fighting more recklessly now, so long as Sayuri maintains enough chakra she can afford injury - 

She takes more, of course, fighting like she is, but she keeps their enemies away from the girls for now.


" - Need more chakra - " Sayuri says, distantly. "And can't - heal myself without healing someone else first."

She hurts.


Amajina falls to her knees beside her, wrapping her arms around her teammate and pouring chakra in - Isobu's pretty good at filtering it to be safe for humans, but this'll still hurt, too - 


She can heal herself a bit more, at least, though - Shinrei's not picking up enough injuries for Sayuri to be able to afford using her bloodline to keep injuring their enemies.


"One of us needs to hurt the other."



Chakra, as controlled as she can, Sayuri needs a lot apparently - 

"I can - do this and be hurt."


"Here it comes." Bone knives, one for each hand.

Stab. Stab stabstabstabslashstabslashslash.


She bites down on a scream, tensing - but not pulling away, not even flinching to defend herself, breath heavy and eyes wide.


Sayuri's power goes into overdrive, wounds opening on her body and closing as fast as Elaise can injure Amajina - and wounds echoing out to both their enemies, though Sayuri is getting worse damage than either one of them.

It's a lot, though. Enough to turn the tide.


And Jakkou stumbles, ever so briefly, in the middle of trying to get past Shinrei to her students.


Shinrei doesn't stumble.

Her sword cuts deep into Jakkou's side.


Fuck it.

She flings herself back, black slashes through reality bursting around her. Dark smoke billows from them, rolling towards her enemies.

She heals herself as she runs, gets to Kisame, grabs his arm - and drops them both through a tear that immediately closes behind them.

The holes in their dimension start closing, as well, though not as quickly.


Shinrei backs up and doesn't pursue, instead using wind techniques to force the toxic smoke high into the atmosphere, dispersing it, and creating a swirling wall of pressure around the tears to keep more from escaping.


Elaise discards her knives, switching to first aid mode to help the younger girls.


Sayuri's able to close any physical wounds. 

But she's shaking - too badly to replace the bandages over her eyes, which she screws shut, face scrunched up in pain, as soon as her bloodline isn't needed. Her skin's pale, clammy, her breath rapid and pulse racing, and a tinged feel about her - chakra poisoning, which even when mild can hit bad. 

She makes a small noise.

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