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The Worst Genin Team, take 2
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"How about showing us the training grounds, then?"


"Alright. There's quite a few - I can give you an overview tour of the different ones pretty easily."




To the training fields, then. There's a variety - including a pretty large number of smaller ones near their house, for lower key sparring or exercise. Some are even inside, mostly for basic sword work. There's also running tracks through the village, sometimes on elevated walkways, and sections of the bay with piers for jumping along. The tracks all have targets throughout them, and there's no automated system for things getting thrown at you, but there's a group of genin that seem to have recruited some young pre-genin students for that and are sprinting around while the kids throw things at them. There's more along the walls - towards the mouth are some beach grounds, and there's a few tunnel maze systems for practicing in, as well as a few underground sparring rings. 

Past the village walls - there's a few facing out into the ocean, but not many, and several larger, more remote grounds at the tops of the cliffs.

There's also a good bit of underwater stuff - some waypoints for divers, an underwater obstacle course in the calm waters of the bay and a much tougher obstacle course in a part of the ocean with churning waters. Some of the cave networks have underwater parts. 

(Shinrei gives them an overview of cave safety. It's a lot more dangerous than it looks, and they shouldn't go in those alone.)


Save those bits for later, then.

It's not a bad setup Mist has here.



"Setting it up was pretty fun, too."


"I bet. Those are neat tracks."


"I like running them in the morning, especially around sunrise. It's nice."


"Bet it would be. I'll have to try it sometime."


Small smile. "I wouldn't mind company some morning."


"We'll see when I summon the will to lever myself out of bed."


"Perhaps some late evening instead."


"That may be more achievable."


"A good place to start, then."




She laughs. 

Getting groceries goes well, and Shinrei cooks a nice - and tasty - stir fry for dinner. 


Elaise makes sure to pass on her compliments.


Amajina, too.


Shinrei accepts their compliments graciously. 

Dinner is quite nice, beyond just the food - the company's pleasant, and Shinrei's friendly in turn. 

She bids the girls goodnight, after. 


Though Sayuri stays up longer - still, she does go to bed eventually. 

She and Shinrei are both around over the next few days, Sayuri a bit more so - Shinrei's busy, and she's giving Elaise some space. Sayuri gets Amajina to train with her, introduces her (and Elaise, if Elaise is interested) to the other kids and teens in the village. Sayuri is, apparently, rather popular, and she's able to maneuver enough that a lot of her friendships transfer, even in the face of Amajina being a bit... Socially graceless.


Amajina's delighted. (One of her new friends has a weak bloodline just for breathing and navigating underwater, and another doesn't have any bloodlines at all but if from a community that sustains themselves through diving for valuables, and he can hold his breath long enough he might as well be able to breathe underwater.) (She gets Shinrei to give her a better orientation to the caves and then starts exploring.)

Of course, she doesn't neglect Elaise, who's still her best friend, but - she's less agitated, less constantly glued to her only source of friendly human interaction. 


Good that Amajina is making other friends. Elaise will take the introductions but... she doesn't need as much social interaction to feel fulfilled. She spends some time alone just thinking. About the new Mist, the old Mist, her own past... and Shinrei.

After a couple days, she find said woman while she's alone. "Hey. Can we talk?"


"Yeah," she says, turning her attention fully to Elaise and going to sit down. "What's up?"


"I've been thinking," she says. "About our last conversation."


Serious nod. "Alright." And deep breath, and a brief unsure, almost vulnerable expression. 

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