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Rafa and Occlus
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"Be there in a day or two. So, you know what you're gonna do when you get there?"


"Probably get as far away from all Sith and Jedi as I possibly can and then figure out how to use to Force to be not-that."


"Smart. Good luck, huh."


"Thank you. I have a room?"


"Bunks're back the way we came, take a left, first door on the right."


"Thank you."

She goes where directed.


It's a plain barracks-style room, eight bunkbeds lined along the walls. Similar to the accommodations she just left.


No one else, though, which is nice. She sets what little stuff she brought with herself—a couple of changes of clothes, toiletries, books—and decides to go explore the ship.


Bunkroom, washroom, closed door that is probably Occlus's room, galley slash living area, engine room, cargo hold. It's not a big ship.


Well. She'll grab a book and return to the bridge.


Andronikos is fiddling with some readouts.


She won't interrupt him. She takes a seat again and resumes her book.



"Nar Shaddaa's a rough place, you know. Not saying you can't handle it or anything, but. You sure you know what you're doing?"


"I'm absolutely not sure of any such thing."


"Look, I know hanging around this ship is probably the last thing you want to do, but we're probably going to be in port a couple days anyway while Sith makes up her mind which way she wants to jump next. Let me tap some people I know, see if I can get you a place on a freighter or something. Until you figure things out."


"I mean, I have figured out that I want to be a Force user not aligned with either Jedi or Sith. It's just not very obvious how I'd actually go about doing that."


"Yeah. Don't think I can really help with that, huh."


"No, but—if you have a better place than Nar Shaddaa in mind where I could look for it, I'd appreciate the tip."


"Look for a planet called Voss."


She looks at the sudden arrival, neutrally. "Hello. What's there?"


"A mysterious group of unaligned Force users. Only recently discovered."


"Hmm. Where's that? Where are they from—I mean, how'd they get to Voss, what were they doing before they were discovered..."


"They are native to Voss. It's in the Outer Rim, here." She highlights it on the galaxy map.


"Hmm. I don't suppose you'd take me there?"


"I could not. The planet is under diplomatic lockdown. The Empire will permit no unapproved ships to approach while they are negotiating, and I understand the Republic has instituted a similar policy. The Voss could be valuable allies, and no one wants their bargaining position jeopardized."

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