Rafa and Occlus
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It's pretty obvious which way he should go.

There's the shuttle.


...he boards, then.


There's a team of commandos riding along. Their leader acknowledges Rafa with a nod, the others ignore his presence. Once he's sitting, the shuttle takes off into the night. It's a calm and peaceful ride.

Until that is, there is a series of loud booms outside and the shuttle begins shaking violently.

"The Gormak attack," comes a voice over the intercom. "Attempting evasive maneuvers." The commandos grip their seat harnesses.


Well he does, too. Anything he can do to help?


Not unless he's got a way to remotely disable an antiaircraft turret or a way to let a shuttle survive a shell therefrom. For now, it's up to the pilot.


So he will hold on for dear life and—



It's pretty hard to concentrate, with all the jerking and rattling.

Then there's an exceedingly loud boom and the compartment fills with the scent of smoke and the shuttle pitches sharply downwards. "Brace for impact."


—yeah okay he'll brace for impact then.


It's a rough landing. The passenger compartment survives mostly intact. Nothing worse than scrapes and bruises among the commandos, who immediately unbuckle and set to work popping the hatch and exiting.


Well he unbuckles too and presumably goes after them?


Just in time, too. The fuel cells ignite and the shuttle collapses in on itself in a burst of flame.


How gratuitous.

Is everyone else alright?


The pilot's legs are both missing below the knee. Tourniquets have been applied and he's receiving a shot of kolto. Voss blood is blue, apparently.

The leader walks over to Rafa. "Evacuation cannot reach us until the turrets are disabled. Do you have a weapon or medical training?"


He reveals a lightsaber. "Yes to both—but I'm probably not good enough to deal with lost limbs. I could cauterise the wound?"


"That will not be necessary. Valla Ti will remain behind and keep watch. The turrets are a kilometer and a half east of here. We go to destroy them."


"Very well."


The commandos set a quick pace, even in the dark on unsure terrain.


He does his best to follow.


Soon they can make out the dark shapes of the turrets, blotting out the stars in the sky.

"Jirri Ka and Rono Gi, circle around and approach from the north. The rest will make a distraction on the southern flank." The two named nod, and pad off.


Well then he'll make a distraction! Do they have a specific distraction in mind or should he be creative?


"Your blade will draw them, like moths to a flame. Assault a perimeter guard. We support."





"Okay but I won't kill them unless I strictly need to."


"The Mystics have said the last Gormak must not die. These are not the last Gormak. Do what is necessary. We move." Off to the south.


Off to the south.


There are several patrolling guards. Gormak look like Voss, only bigger and more brutish and spikier.

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