kyeo in anomaland
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He does not purchase the game.

He goes and compares his scores against all the jobs he was looking at.


He has a good shot at getting most of them, though some of them require work trials or additional classes and it's not obvious what his competition for any of them is like.


If they would just tell him what would be most useful to have him doing he could do that without all this stress.

He looks into sending an application in for janitorial work and one for boat inspections.


His applications have been received and he can expect to hear back about whether he's gotten interviews within two days.

Tazz sends him a message asking how he's doing and whether he wants to go do something fun and stress-relieving in the city; if so they can provide recommendations or a native guide.


...sure, what are the recommendations.


They could go birdwatching in the park, or go to a glassblowing studio and watch the artist make things and talk about them, or go to the science museum, or take the train to the end of the line and go for a walk in the woods. And if none of these appeal they can come up with other ideas.


Birdwatching sounds nice, and so does the woods but maybe after he's had more time to get all recovered.


Sounds good, and the park has plenty of benches to rest on. Would Kyeo rather meet Tazz at the train station nearest the park, or the one nearest his apartment? 


Apartment, please, he is still not fully acclimated to trains.


Sounds good; they'll be there in half an hour.

They arrive wearing the same backpack as yesterday but a new outfit in blue and green with sequins on it.


He is wearing a set of his new clothes. "Good morning."


"Good morning. How's your day been so far?"


"All right. I took the tests and sent in some job applications."


"Awesome! Let me know if you have any questions about what any of the jobs are like to do. Do you want to get some more practice finding your way around today or should I just show you?"


"Oh, do you know what they're like to do? I thought your job was - this." He will try independently navigating the train with Tazz as only backup.


"I haven't done them myself, but I help a lot of people find work and that means I know people who do a lot of different things and get to talk to them about what their jobs are like. And apparently you're from an entire other reality, so there are probably things that are true of nearly all jobs here but different from what you're used to. For example, I bet you schedule days off differently because your calendar is different, stuff like that."


"Oh, how do you schedule work?"


"Most jobs are six days of work and then two days off, plus the eight major holidays and the five days of Newyearstime, plus every job gives you some number of floating vacation days to use for whatever, usually 18 but some places do 24. Some employers want everyone's six days of work to be lined up so you can collaborate with each other; other employers want different people on different schedules so there's always someone there to handle anything that comes up. Places that really need to have people around all the time, like hospitals or search and rescue, need someone to work on the holidays but they nearly always give whoever takes the holiday shifts extra floating vacation days to make up for it."


"I see. What are the holidays?"


"Summer solstice, winter solstice, the equinoxes except they're called Plantingfeast and Harvestfeast for historical reasons. And then there's Physics Day, which is the anniversary of the discovery of universal natural laws as a concept, Periodic Table Day is what it sounds like and be aware that that's when everyone sets off fireworks, Tree of Life Day is the anniversary of the announcement of the discovery of evolution, and Disease Eradication Day--it started as Smallpox Eradication Day but then we eradicated more diseases and now it has a bit of a silly name."


What a weird bunch of holidays. "Thank you."

He concentrates on the train and makes it to the correct stop without getting lost.


"What holidays do you have on Ibyabek?"


"Mostly celebrations of Ibyabekan history, like the revolution and the Glorious Leaders' birthdays and such."


"Are there any holidays that are celebrated everywhere, or on multiple planets but not all of them?"


"I don't think there are any celebrated everywhere. Probably all the Kularan planets celebrate Kularan holidays, and so on."

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