"R-run away or die," says Ijichi, looking down at Gojō's shoes—he can't quite meet the man's blindfolded eyes, yet, not so soon, not at the morgue with the body of his student right there. "I warned them that fighting was absolutely not an option."
"It's third-year and under only, we just tend to not to bring in first years because most of the time they'll hurt themselves. But our third years got themselves banned, and Makoto is having himself a globe-trotting adventure or whatever."
"Yeah, exactly! We're desperate! Don't worry, though, we'll give you some upperclassmen tutoring sessions to makes sure you don't embarrass us. You probably won't die."
"We will also not drag you in if you don't want to be there, or if we think you couldn't handle it. But we think Inori-san would definitely be ready with a little help, and Gojo-sensei mentioned you," he says this to Akiho, "were here on scholarship. So we figured we'd extend the offer to you, too."
"I am only really practiced at fighting curses, and my non-lethal weaponry is, uh." She winces. "Not the greatest. I might embarrass myself."
Fushiguro raises a hand to his mouth to cover his smile. "You're fine," he says, after a second. "And you can be a little bit lethal. They will."
"Yeah, sorcerers are tough. As long as you don't chop off any limbs or go for the head with big, sharp objects, you're good. My sister uses a literal gun. 'Too lethal' is an easy problem. At least for fighting sorcerers, I dunno about fighting squishy normies."
"Huh. Okay. Then yeah, sure, this is actually something I need to work on, anyway. And I will not turn down a chance to be a first-year that helps destroy Kyoto, that sounds amazing, and they have given me a surprising number of reasons to hate them in a short period of time."
"Uh," Akiho is pretty thrown for a loop by being asked some sort of question, but conveyed entirely through saying food, but she can try to... guess what the question was? "So I'm pretty sure the... detention center," why is even talking about it so hard, "was a setup by at least Kyoto's principal to get Ita—" nope his name hurts too, stop and switch gears before she cries or something, "—our classmate killed. By throwing all three of us to a special grade."
"Oh, yes, absolutely not," she agrees. "I do not blame them and don't actually want to hurt any of them. But I still feel like if his students get beaten by first and second years it will nonetheless reflect badly on the school's principal. And I am petty and full of spite. So."
Fushiguro is having... some emotions... about Hayashi right this second.
He is not sure what to do about them so he will in fact not do anything about them.
Akiho has no idea Inori is having some emotions, or what they might be.
"... Did I get your question right? I was absolutely just guessing."
"Thank you," she says to Inori. "Should I learn sign language? It seems like it'd be, uh. Easier?"
"You can if you want, but he does it because it's funny. Makoto dragged him through a basic course and he still kept doing this."
"Oh. Huh. Fair enough."
She feels like she should ask why one of the second-years is a literal panda bear, but she has no idea how to do that. It seems like her chance has passed and she's just now in a world where she has to accept it.
Akiho has no earthly idea what that's supposed to translate to, but she smiles and nods anyway. Yes, you, uh. You said it, rice ball kid. Whatever it was.
"So!" She turns to Inori. "You actually haven't answered yet, do you want to help inflict petty vengeance on Kyoto?"