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in which Ellie, Anathema, and Lily are The Worst Genin
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One of Shinrei's clones - not a normal water clone, texture is wrong - grabs Elaise around the waist. Elaise can't even parse the landscape that starts zooming past them - they're maybe going down, toward the water, but -

Shinrei is talking, voice audible over the wind in a way that suggests she's using genjutsu. "There's a hidden sea cave. Amajina will find it. Go deep into it. Right branch, right branch, middle, up, left, right, up - there's a base, pass code graveyard, they are not to back me up. Getting you three safely to the village is highest priority - " She rattles off a code, and - it's imprinting itself in Elaise's mind, definitely genjutsu -

She very nearly makes it to the ocean. 


Shinrei's clones dissipate in a burst of mist as they are intercepted by a large, bandaged sword held by a hulking man in a black cloak.

"Not so fast there, kiddos." He grins. His mouth is full of unnaturally sharp teeth and it looks like he has gills in his odd, bluish skin. A scratched-out Hidden Mist symbol adorns his forehead protector. "You'll miss the party."


Amajina lands on her feet, the air around her rapidly growing dangerous, heavy with chakra and fog. 


It seems there were only clones of their sensei here. Which means - there's another threat.

"What the fuck do you want?" she demands. 


(Sayuri is small and quiet, visible skin pale and shaking, and many jounin - those who aren't S-rank, ex Black Ops - would take her for a scared little girl, graduated too early and in over her head - it's rather impressive how gently obvious that conclusion is.)

(There isn't quite anything else that feels dangerous about her - )


The big man hefts his sword and rests it across his shoulders. (It flexes gently and seems to purr.)

"Hey now," he says. "Is that any way to greet a former comrade in arms? What are they teaching you brats in the academy these days, honestly..."


"I'm not one for school."


"I apologize for my teammate," Sayuri says, softly, posture folded in, voice thin and scared (her chakra calm and intense). "You startled us."


"Pff, at least one of you has some manners. But you're ninja, girlie. Shouldn't let people sneak up on you. Samehada smelled you out right away." He points the sword at Amajina.


"...Hoshigaki Kisame. Formerly one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, wielder of Samehada, the Shark Skin."

"Wanted for desertion and treason."


He chuckles. "Heh, at least one of you knows your history. Tell you what. Since you're so clever, I'll kill you first. Show the others how to die properly, all right?" He whips Samehada at Elaise.


She catches it on spurs of bones jutting out from arms crossed in front of her, holding it for an instant-

-then the bones shatter on the followthrough and she's forced back with a grunt. Kisame follows up with more attacks, Elaise parries desperately, tries to get some darts around his defenses but Samehada turns any bone it catches to dust-


-and then she misses a step and gets half the flesh torn from her left arm. She falls to the ground with a cry of pain.


Amajina throws herself at Kisame, snarling with rage, fog condensing around her into lashing whips - the ocean surging forward, trying to wrap around Elaise - water coallesces around Amajina, a turtle shell of chakra and salt forming on her back, a thick tail behind her - the nubs of two more wavering tails, and the air is thick enough it hurts to breathe -

She has maybe a two percent chance of actually injuring Kisame. 


Sayuri takes a sharp startled breath -

Then backs up and begins to undo the bandages around her eyes. 


Kisame grins as he wields Samehada against Amajina, and the sword itself seems to chuckle. It grows in size as it feeds on the chakra she's venting.


"Oh fuck you."

The ocean starts pulling Elaise out to sea, away from Kisame - hopefully that injury is recoverable -


Not going to be relevant for long, hopefully. 

Sayuri's bandages fall away, revealing -

Pale eyes, almost a milky lavender, black rings in her iris, like ripples out from the darkness at the center -

Kisame's body starts ripping itself apart. Undirected - but most of his volume is internal, only some of the blood will be escaping from his skin - the places his chakra protects most intensely are resistant, brain and heart and lungs, but the rest of his organs are fucking off.

Sayuri collapses, gashes opening in her skin, bruises spreading, blood on her lips -

A pulse. 

Elaise heals entirely - feels better than she ever has - and a few, though not all, of Sayuri's wounds close.


"Little bitch!" Kisame swears, spitting blood into the water to summon a pack of sharks as he pulls on Samehada's stores to heal himself.


Has he considered: he should not fuck with her genin.

Shinrei appears to have ditched his partner. Also: that is an incredibly strong wind-water jutsu for a jounin, blasting away any sharks, buffeting Kisame away from her girls, kicking off a tornado-whirlpool -

Also, her chakra signature is no longer cloaked. Samehada recognizes her. 


"Yagura!? What the fuck!" he yelps, ducking for cover.


...She is going to react to that later. 

She pulls herself and Elaise over to Sayuri, panting, head spinning from the pressure of Isobu's chakra, from the sudden loss. 

"Are you two okay - "


"Can't heal myself without healing someone else," Sayuri mumbles. "'m fine. Tired..."


Shinrei, meanwhile: "Nobody hurts my shinobi and lives, is what the fuck."

The rocks heave under Kisame, water exploding out of them, heat and sharpnel and killing intent swirling around her opponent. She flips a thin, long sword out of a previously invisible seal on her palm - Shinzui, the one she'd wielded as Mizukage, though its blade has taken a golden sheen rather than the bloody red it was the last time Kisame saw her wield it. 


Hell. Sword against sword it is. Not the fight he thought they were getting into, but the Tailless Tailed Beast can adapt. Even if it means fighting a dead woman what the fuck.

Be nice if Jakkou decided to join him, though. He could use the extra distraction.


She seems pretty determined to flip the script on which of them is dead. 

She fast, doesn't let herself get hit by Samehada which gives Kisame a very slight edge given his sword's size, but her speed absolutely works against his style. 

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