so apparently 'makes her girlfriend and her girlfriend's crush kiss' is an anathema template attractor
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"Well, hopefully that and some fruit will tide her over until lunch." She nods toward the dining room, where she can hear Lily wishing Ellaita and Anathema a good morning. "Shall we?"


"After you."


She heads into the dining room, then. "Good morning," she says. 


"Morning! Hi Elesse."


"Good morning, Lily. There is still breakfast, though I am told you often like to fight before having food."


"Yeah. I don't like exercising on a full stomach. I'll eat after, though."


"Would you like to spar now, then?"


"Yeah! If you're up for it."


"I am. Do you mind an audience? The others expressed interest in watching."


"I don't mind."


"Very well, then. If you will show the way...?"



The sparring area's along the back wall, vaulted the full five stories of the warehouse - there's a a larger room for ranged stuff or very wide ranging melee and a separate, smaller pure melee room, though someone feeling very jumpy could get between them, since the partitioning rooms only go up two stories. 


"As the host, I think you may set the terms."


She grins and hums, before laying out some - very sensible - terms for their fight. 


"Fair enough."

Elesse selects a practice blade from the rack and slides into a ready stance.


She slides into a more serious demeanor, picking a similar blade. 

And - they can begin.

Lily fights a lot like Anakin used to, in some ways, but they're mostly the ways Anakin fought a lot like Elesse. Lily is less direct, though, far less impatient, apparently not at all inclined to start playing around during a fight. She's quiet, intense, no sound escaping her lips even when their blades clash. Her Force presence is muted, showing nothing of her intent - her body language doesn't betray her plans, either, giving her an upper hand at feints and the like. She's - possibly reaching for the dark side here, possibly reaching for the light there, but it's hard to tell with everything about her cloaked, and she isn't using any obvious and externally directed Force powers. 

She's a damn good fighter for her age, even if it's clear that she hasn't had much opportunity to spar with other lightsaber wielders.


Elesse is definitely the more skilled, and time spent dead has not dulled her abilities.

She finds Lily's rhythm after the first few exchanges and sinks into the flow of the fight. Feints are swatted aside before they can finish, strikes are parried with perfect timing, and weaknesses exploited before they're realized. If the duel is a dance, Elesse is leading.


Lily steps up her efforts, learning, adjusting to Elesse's style - but she's still behind by a good bit. She's calmer, more focused, and - 

Apparently annoyed enough to snap out a burst of lightning during a split second opening she forces (tightly controlled; it won't hit the bystanders, or even badly harm Elesse if Elesse fails to avoid or mitigate it). There's a flicker of her emotions slamming out with it, mostly a deep anger in its wash that tries to curl into Elesse's mind.


The lightning and the anger both wash over Elesse-

-and warp around her to swirl straight back at Lily, strength undiminished.


The anger vanishes into her, and the lightning crackles around, not noticeably injuring her - a whisper slips into the back of Elesse's mind, distractedness - the tiles under her feet shift, loosening -

Lily darts to the side and then in, switching styles slightly. 

(To one she's possibly less thoroughly practiced in; her weaknesses here are slightly more apparent than normal.)


Elesse adjusts her repsonses to match, remaining calmly centered in the fight.

She begins adding bursts of force to augment her strikes, pushing them harder than expected or giving them unexpected spin.


She's able to get Lily on her back foot very briefly before the girl adjusts and recenters herself; still, Lily's tiring a little, and while she keeps picking at Elesse's edges, innovating and adjusting, she's unable to get ahead. 


Elesse increases the pace until she's able to twist the blade out of Lily's grip and trip her down.


She goes down, catching herself -

And starts laughing. 

"Good fight!"


"To you as well." Elesse offers her a hand up. "You have some interesting tricks."

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