so apparently 'makes her girlfriend and her girlfriend's crush kiss' is an anathema template attractor
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"Thank you."

"I feel that- somewhere along the way, I lost control of my direction, and this is the price exacted."


"If it's a price, it's one that shouldn't be charged. You deserve sleep, and everything - good."


Tired smile.

"I appreciate that."


Small smile back.



"What are you working on?"


"Grading essays," she says. "Right now I'm on the pile for one of my more advanced classes, so they're getting quite long."


"What is the topic?"


"Analysis of processes of restorative and transitional justice after slavery is abolished in an area. Students picked case studies to focus on within that - older ones, to get an idea of long term impact of various policies, though they're allowed to reference more recent cases in comparison, especially when discussing applications of their analysis."


"Any particularly insightful takes on the problems?"


"Several, actually," she says. "Anyone who survived my intro to ethics class is, if nothing else, very motivated."

"Would you like to help me read through these?"


"I would."


She separates out several to another pad, as well as pulling up a copy of the rubric and her grading standards (rather detailed; she'd rather not make students guess what she wants). "Thanks," she says, handing it over. 


"It is my pleasure," she says, taking the pad. "Doing something constructive will be a welcome change."


"Well, if you want to do this regularly, I could use a TA for the advanced classes," she teases. "I have no idea how the professors who need to sleep keep up with all this."


"Let's see how I feel after this stack. Though I suppose I will need to work for a living somehow, with the Order gone."


"I suppose you wouldn't want to be my kept woman."


Elesse gives Anakin a very skeptical look over the datapad.


She giggles.

"University work is very fulfilling."




"I'm hoping to found some sort of organized group of Force users again," she says then, a bit distantly. "Most other attempts have failed, and it'll be a long, hard road, but - the Order was good for the galaxy, even with the failings it had."

"Or... At least make it so people have a safe path to training, again."


"That sounds like something I could help with."


"I'd like that."


Happy hum, as she continues reading through essays.


This is nice. 

(Anakin's students are indeed pretty clever; not experts yet, and some of their conclusions aren't well supported, some of their analyses not well explained; but they know the material, and they mostly know how to follow a rubric. Some have managed rather insightful points.)


Elesse follows the rubric to mark up the pages. The logic behind it is... familiar in shape, though Anakin has obviously had time to add her own spin to it.

She finds this comforting.

She finishes up around the time Anakin would be heading back to her drowsing body.

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